Monday, November 17, 2008


Hey everyone I got a question for you, what are you passionate about today? The reason that is so important is because whatever you find to be passionate about is what will drive you. So many people don't have any passion about anything, (could be the reason life seems so disappointing to you) Recently it seems that I can't read enough books, blogs, and articles about the church and I don't really understand it because I don't even like to read but something is driving me to do things I don't like to do and it's a passion to become a Great Leader. That's right I said I want to become a Great Leader. Now the reason may not be what you think, I am not aspiring to be a Great Leader so a lot of people will know my name and that our church will be famous, that's not it at all and if you think so, I really don't care. I have a passion to see people saved like never before in my life. I know I can't possible lead everyone to Jesus Christ but if I can be a Great Leader, then I can help equip others to help me in this Great Commission that Christ gave us and that is to tell a lost world about Him. You really don't know what life can be until you get a Passion for something as big the Great Commission. Passion for something messes you up, whatever you have a passion for will take over your life, Make sure what you are passion about doesn't ruin your life/family. There are a lot of things that people are passionate about, ask yourself is your passion being used on something that will make an eternal difference. Passion for people to know Jesus, that's what I am praying never dies in me until I die, if I loose this passion for the lost I pray the Lord will just kill me. I know that doesn't sound very nice but I am serious. How serious are you about your passion?


Friday, November 7, 2008

Friday is my Favorite

Hey everyone it's Friday and most people are excited because the work week is almost over and the weekend is here. I love Friday too, for many reasons. I am looking forward to spending Saturday with the boys out Deer Hunting. I must tell you I am not an avid hunter so all you that are anti-hunting take it easy. What I am though is excited to do something with the boys that they enjoy and Deer Hunting is fast becoming a big thing for them. So pray for our safety, seriously there will be alot of CRAZY people out in the woods tomorrow.

Another thing I am looking forward to is our services on Sunday. I am looking forward to seeing a life change take place in someones life. I am coming expecting to get blown away by what God does. We say all the time we believe that God can do anything, why don't we come to church every week expecting the anything to happen. I know that worship is going to be awesome so come and experience it with us and let's watch God show up and really show out. It's O.K. when God shows out. It's way cool. See ya Sunday, I hope!
