I am writing to let all of you know about something that will change your life. Please go to rickandbubba.com and listen to the message of this father as he talks about the accidental death of his 2 year old son. I pray that this little boys death changes my life as it seems to have done to many others.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Awana was Awesome
We just finished up our Awana program and my heart is so full. I don't want to lie to you there are days when I think why did I want to do this. Tonight the question was answered for me, to see the smile on the faces of kids who don't have much to smile about. God used Emmanuel tonight to make a difference in 80 children. I am so proud of all of our Adults who put in the time that it takes to be a good leader. You folks will never know how much what you are doing really means. Yes you could stay home and sit on the couch and do nothing but you are choosing to make a difference a kids life. Sometimes we wonder if it's sinking in I know. Tonight I saw a little girl come full circle. Last week I had to chase this little girl down and talk to her about her terrible behavior. I tried to show her love in the midst of discipline. Tonight when this girl walked in to church I hugged her and told her I was so glad to see her. That hug seemed to be just what she was looking for, she was so good that by the end of the night she was rewarded with a "nerd rope" can't be any better than that. God was really at work tonight and I am so glad to be around to see it. Do you want to see God at work? Come to Awana!
Attitude made all the difference tonight, from the leaders to the students. It happens every time, you give me a person with a good attitude and I'll show you where something good is about to happen. Bring a good attitude to church with you this Sunday and just see what happens.
Live to the fullest!
Attitude made all the difference tonight, from the leaders to the students. It happens every time, you give me a person with a good attitude and I'll show you where something good is about to happen. Bring a good attitude to church with you this Sunday and just see what happens.
Live to the fullest!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Friday is here.
What is it about Friday that we all enjoy so much? Can Fridays be enough to make you happy. Well maybe for a little while but Monday is just around the corner so it can't make it last very long. This Sunday I am going to begin a New Series of sermons I am calling "Relationships that Rock". It has been proven that relationships are what make people happy. Over the next few weeks I am going to talk about 3 relationships in your life that if not right can ruin your life.
I just read that only 30% of Americans are happy. That is sad! If you are one of the 70% of Americans not very happy maybe you should wake up this Sunday and have a listen to what God's word has to say about all that. For those of you in that 30% that are happy please keep coming to church because can you imagine how bad it would be if you skipped, don't leave me with a room full of miserable people!
If fun is what you are looking for I can almost guarantee it this week at Emmanuel.
Love ya,
P.S. Johnna and I are off to Tanner's basketball game, 2 plus hours from Piggott. I wouldn't miss it. Go Tanner!!!
I just read that only 30% of Americans are happy. That is sad! If you are one of the 70% of Americans not very happy maybe you should wake up this Sunday and have a listen to what God's word has to say about all that. For those of you in that 30% that are happy please keep coming to church because can you imagine how bad it would be if you skipped, don't leave me with a room full of miserable people!
If fun is what you are looking for I can almost guarantee it this week at Emmanuel.
Love ya,
P.S. Johnna and I are off to Tanner's basketball game, 2 plus hours from Piggott. I wouldn't miss it. Go Tanner!!!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Lookin' forward to Sunday
Hello everybody, sorry no post lately just haven't taken the time. Right now I'm at the church workin on the sermon and the service for Sunday morning. I am really looking forward to seeing all of you at church. I'll just tell you it's going to be a happy place come Sunday. I have been praying for all of you all week to be happy. Happy, that's a Great word. Why aren't more people Happy have you ever thought about it. This week I am going to share with you some of the things that makes me Happy. I'm sure some won't surprise you but there just might be a few that will. Gotta go Bruce just came in. See ya.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Pray for me
Hey friends, it has been a real good day for me. I have done some reading (Holy Discontent by Bill Hybills) and listening to some great sermons by some real good speakers (Ed Young Jr. and Perry Nobles). I left the house knowing it was going to be a good day because I set out to have a great day. I even dressed for the occasion, the kids on the bus thought they had the wrong driver. I really have a desire to be used again by the Lord. I realize that God is not finished with me or our church. Pray for me as I seek Him daily, would you join with me and let's ask God to do whatever!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Visiting with Aaron
I am sitting here at the Arkansass childrens hospital visiting with my good friend Aaron. He made it through surgery and is doing well. He says he's a little sore but going to be fine. He is eatting like he's fine. Let's see 2 corn dogs, 2 bag of chips, chocolate pudding, a banana, another chocolate pudding, throw in a vanila pudding, 2 cokes and that's just since surgery. He wants all of you to know that he misses you and to keep the emails coming. He also got his report card today and was proud of his 4 a's and 3 b's. We both want to thank all of you for praying for Aaron and helping him and his family through this time in the hospital. Gotta go he wants something to drink.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Aaron update
I just talked with Aaron and his mom. They told me that Aaron will be having surgery tommorrow sometime. The infection has spread some, so they will be removing part of his foot. Please pray for him and his mom. Aaron said he has gotten lots of emails and he loved it. Please continue to call and email him all day. Thank you. I will be going to Little Rock in the morning if you would like to send something with me just let me know.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Pray for Aaron

Hey everyone I want to let you know about my good friend Aaron. I met Aaron last year when I began picking him up on the school bus. I drive the special needs school bus for the Piggott School district. Aaron was a bright spot from day one. The first day I loaded him and his wheelchair our friendship began. One of the best days for me was the day that Aaron asked if I would pick him up for church. Since that time both Aaron and his mom and dad have become faithful attenders at Emmanuel. This Sunday morning Aarons dad arrived at church alone and we soon found out that Aaron had to be admitted to the Arkansas Childrens Hospital in Little Rock on Thursday. Aaron has an infection in his foot that has spread to his bone. We are not sure what the outcome will be but the worst case is that Aaron might have to lose part of his foot. I am asking all of my friends to join with me in praying for my buddy Aaron. If you would please use the info. below to email Aaron and show him some love. If you would like to call him the number is 501-364-5229 tell him I said Hi.
visit the website of http://www.archildrens.org/your_visit/email_patient.asp and type in info of Aaron DeSherlia (don't have to have age), fill out form and it will be delivered daily to his room so send emails at various times of the day if you can
Thank you for blessing a young man!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year everybody! I do hope that everyone is excited about the new opportunities that will come with the new year. We are just about back to schedule around the Murray house. School starts back tomorrow so that will shock us all back into reality. It has been a Great Holiday Season. I am so thankful to be a part of such a Great church family. Let me say thanks to all of you who gave to the Murray family over the holidays. Thanks to you we are full and refreshed. We brought in the new year with our friends the Richey by spending a few days in Cape just hanging out.
2008 has the potential to be a GREAT year, it's just up to us! Let's set big goals and dream big dreams and work real hard at being and doing what God wants. I look forward to making some great memories with all of you in 2008.
2008 has the potential to be a GREAT year, it's just up to us! Let's set big goals and dream big dreams and work real hard at being and doing what God wants. I look forward to making some great memories with all of you in 2008.
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