Do you ever just sit back and think about how blessed you are? I have been doing that a lot more here lately. One of the things missing in our world is gratitude. I want to teach my boys to be grateful for the things that they enjoy. Kids learn by example, that puts the responsibility on me. I know that I have it so much better than my parents did and our children have it even better than I did (I don't hesitate to tell them either, my parents did the same ) There is nothing wrong with being blessed, there is something bad wrong with being blessed and not thankful.
I just want to encourage all of my readers (both of you) to be thankful for all the blessings in your life. Yes we all have hard ache and trials, I do too. They do not compare to the things that God has given me. My salvation, my life, my family, my home, my church, my friends, and the list is very long. The scripture tells us to give thanks and that's what I'm doing, and I'm not even eating Turkey and dressing.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Great Weekend at Emmanuel
Great Weekend! We had our annual Easter Celebration on Saturday and we had well over 1000 people on our campus. Thanks to all the volunteers who gave out food, watched over the rides and helped with the games. Several families from the communities around Piggott benefited from our food boxes and clothing give away. I am always excited to see Emmanuel get involved in making a difference and we made a difference this weekend. We had a wonderful Easter Service that resulted in a full church and 3 people coming to know Christ as Lord of their lives.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Back from Oklahoma.
I'm sorry that I haven't posted lately, but me and Ethan (our youngest son) just returned from a trip to Grove, Oklahoma. We had a wonderful time! Ethan was invited to a junior young pro team roping school. It was a lot more than roping. The kids were involved in great bible study 3 times a day and were able to hear quality bible teaching. The purpose of the camp is to raise up a generation of young cowboys and cowgirls who not only compete in rodeo but share their faith and live their life by the word of God. I was impressed with the entire 3 day camp. I love it when people have prepared and excellence shows and that's what happened.
Ethan was the runner up winner in the Camp Championship Team Roping. There were youngsters from Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Oregon, and Missouri. Ethan and I met some fine folks that we will never forget. We really are living the abundant life!
Ethan was the runner up winner in the Camp Championship Team Roping. There were youngsters from Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Oregon, and Missouri. Ethan and I met some fine folks that we will never forget. We really are living the abundant life!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Best looks better than good!
We had this room in the church that had become a catch all if you know what I mean. It didn't start out that way, it used to be very organized and neat. Very useful, until things started piling up in it. What was amazing about the room was that when I began to clean it out I found things that had no reason at all for being in the room. You see the room was close to the door that lead in and out of the church so when someone forgot to put something up and didn't want to walk all the way to the place that it really went it was dropped off in this room. Did I mention things had piled up. The room had really lost it's real meaning and purpose it was useless. It took more time to find what you needed than it did to use what you found. Time was wasted.
This week I gave my BEST and cleaned that dude up! I not only cleaned that up I went to my truck and cleaned it out, my desk was next, then the upstairs and I'm looking for something else now. Why? Because I learned something after I cleaned out that room. That room could not reach it's full potential until it was cleaned up and organized. I left out the most important thing I'm still working on to clean up and organize.......ME! What about you, have you let things pile up in your life. Was it easier to just sit things down than it was to deal with them. You want to know my secret to cleaning that room? I started by taking EVERYTHING out and then I started 1 piece at a time putting it all (most of it) back where it belonged. Try that in your life and see how refreshed you will feel.
This week I gave my BEST and cleaned that dude up! I not only cleaned that up I went to my truck and cleaned it out, my desk was next, then the upstairs and I'm looking for something else now. Why? Because I learned something after I cleaned out that room. That room could not reach it's full potential until it was cleaned up and organized. I left out the most important thing I'm still working on to clean up and organize.......ME! What about you, have you let things pile up in your life. Was it easier to just sit things down than it was to deal with them. You want to know my secret to cleaning that room? I started by taking EVERYTHING out and then I started 1 piece at a time putting it all (most of it) back where it belonged. Try that in your life and see how refreshed you will feel.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The internet.
I want to encourage everyone today to use the resources that are available to you. I live in a very small town with less than 4ooo people. My friend Troy pastors a church of almost 8000, what's my point? Some people feel that just because they are in a small church or small town that they have to be satisfied with mediocrity. If I could just go to this conference or hear that speaker I would be a better leader. You know what you are right, God does use conferences and certain speakers to motivate us to Greatness. You want some good news, you don't have to have a lot of money in your travel budget to be challenged by these conferences and speakers. The Internet has become one of my best sources of encouragement and challenge. I must tell you that not only am I from a small town, I am a country boy (cowboy, yee Haw) that's right it has taken me a while to understand that right there at my fingertips was a gold mine of churches and men who feel called to minister to men like me. Here comes the hard part, you have to be disciplined enough to sit down and let others pour into your life and ministry. That's hard for me because today it's going to be about 60 degrees sun shining (that's great for us) perfect horse training weather. It's been a long winter and I am anxious to get back to riding, but I am more excited about growing as a pastor and leader today than any other time in my life. How did I get to this point? The Internet has introduced me to some churches and leaders that will not let me settle for mediocrity. Thank you Troy, Perry, Steven, Jason and the list grows daily. If you would like to know who I'm listening to leave me a comment.
This week we start our 3:16 Numbers of Hope series. Don't miss! I can't wait to see ya'll this Sunday.
This week we start our 3:16 Numbers of Hope series. Don't miss! I can't wait to see ya'll this Sunday.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Looking Forward to a Great week.
Hey I hope all of you had a Great weekend. God really spoke to me this weekend at Emmanuel and I was challenged to give my BEST for the Lord. Will you join me in giving your BEST. Our BEST can change our communities. If we don't get off of our do nothin's, we are going to miss our opportunities to change the lives of so many people. I will be the first to get up!
Something I do know is that we all need support. I want to encourage all of you to pick a partner, someone that will encourage you to give your best. Let me know if you think this is working for you. I have someone that I am going to partner with and I am looking forward to seeing what God does in both of us. Give your BEST!
Something I do know is that we all need support. I want to encourage all of you to pick a partner, someone that will encourage you to give your best. Let me know if you think this is working for you. I have someone that I am going to partner with and I am looking forward to seeing what God does in both of us. Give your BEST!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Spring Forward.
Around Piggott it looks anything but Spring like, well the sun is shining. As I left the house the streets were full of four wheelers, kids, and sleds, oh yea snowmen at every house. What a beautiful day it is with the snow everywhere and the sun high in the sky. I am about to shovel some snow off the sidewalks around the church so everyone will be safe tomorrow morning. Don't miss tomorrow morning! First of all don't forget to set your clocks up 1 hour before you go to bed. Chances are that some will be an hour late for church and they will miss my first 2 closing. (lol)
Look forward to seeing all of you tomorrow! Got to go play in the snow.
Look forward to seeing all of you tomorrow! Got to go play in the snow.
Friday, March 7, 2008
A good day.

Well it has been snowing all afternoon and it looks like there could be 5 or 6 inches of snow outside my office window. I have been hear at the church all day preparing for this weekend and the weekends to come. This weekend we will be talking about giving God our best. Next weekend we are going to begin our new series called 3:16 Numbers of Hope. I will let you know that next weekend we will officially open our He Brewz coffee cafe. It will be open for coffee and pastries from 8am until bible studies begin. This will be a great place for you to introduce new friends to your small groups. He Brewz Coffee Cafe will be located in the south hallway next to the gumball machine.
There will also be a small book store set up so that you can pick up some Emmanuel clothing and head gear. If you like you can purchase a copy of Max Lucado's book 3:16 The numbers of hope.
We have a lot to be excited about at Emmanuel. This has been a good day. If you can weather the snow come on out Sunday morning and just see what God's up to.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Waiting on the Snow!
It's about 10pm and the Murray family is looking for snow. They say it could snow up to 8 inches or so. I don't know who's more excited me or the boys. I like snow for a day or two but then it does get old and messy. If your not careful sin can be the same way, fun for a little while but then it will get messy and ugly. If I can I will take some pictures and post them tomorrow for you. See you tomorrow.
Giving God your Best

Over the next few weeks I will be speaking about giving God your best. I have really been challenged lately by some other pastors that I respect very much to give my best to the Lord. It is so easy to get comfortable with your walk with the Lord or even your calling from God. Since committing to do my best for the my Lord. I find that things are changing for me. I wake up with a since of urgency to please God. That's a great feeling to know that you're desire for today is to please your heavenly Dad. What I am finding out is that is a love issue for me. The more I love someone the more I want to give them my best. God has had to think hear lately that I didn't love Him very much because I didn't give much of an effort.
Thank you Lord for not giving up on me or firing me. (I deserved both) As I sit here typing my mind is racing with thoughts of serving the Lord and how I can lead our church to give even our best. Mediocrity won't cut it anymore. I know that churches operate with volunteers but we shouldn't settle for mediocrity at any level. God deserves greatness and I am ready to do what I can to bring it about. If you have settled for less than your best, join with me and say enough is enough. Be something Great for the Lord. Be your BEST!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Things I am reading

I just wanted to let you know about some of the places that I am following on the Internet. If I knew how to post them as links I would but until I do I'll just list them for you. One of the churches in our area that is really exciting to me is Central Baptist Church in Jonesboro, AR. Archie Mason is the pastor and he is a sharp fellow. Check out his blog at you will enjoy it I promise.
Here our some other interesting people that God is using in my life:
Let me know what you think!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Exciting Weekend
I just want to tell you that I have been reading several other blogs lately and it is so interesting to see what others are doing. We are so blessed to be able to learn from those who are out on the frontlines of reaching people for Christ. I don't always agree with what I read but they all usually teach me something. I need to learn, I don't have all the answers and that is why I think it is so important for us to do what we can to learn any way we can. I want to give you just a few ways that I try to learn:
1. Friends.......I have some great friends who are Godly men and I try to talk with them as often as I can. I watch their ministry, how they lead, ideas that they have, talk to them about study habits. I would encourage you to find a pastor in your area who you respect and take him to lunch. Develope a friendship and see how that can improve your ministry.
2. Blogs.........that's right I said blogs. I am finding out that there are several people doing an outstanding job of leading churches that I never heard of. Thanks to the links button on some of my friends websites I have been able to visit some pretty cool churches online. I will post some of the ones I'm following real soon.
3. Books.......I wish I could tell you that I love to read but that's not true. What I do love is being my best for the Lord. For me to be my best I need to read. Reading takes discipline, I have to make myself because I am not one to sit still very long. This is probably on of the toughest areas for me but I will say it is also one of the most rewarding. There's just something about when you dig into a book and you find that nuggett of information that makes you wannna dig again.
4. Conferences......I have not been to a lot of Big conferences but I will say that I know there is a need for this in my ministry. Being from a small church in a small town if I'm not careful I can become Lazy in my thinking. One of the things that a conference does for me is open my eyes to other ideas of doing ministry. Don't be discouraged that your church is not like the mega church go home and make a difference that's what it's all about.
5. Mistakes.......that's right, mistakes if you don't fail at something ever once in a while you probably aren't trying very hard. Don't always take the safe route. Learn what works and what don't. What works will always be changing just like the society we live in. (I didn't say change the message.)
I would love to hear from you how you learn, maybe it would help me and others. Send me a comment.
1. Friends.......I have some great friends who are Godly men and I try to talk with them as often as I can. I watch their ministry, how they lead, ideas that they have, talk to them about study habits. I would encourage you to find a pastor in your area who you respect and take him to lunch. Develope a friendship and see how that can improve your ministry.
2. Blogs.........that's right I said blogs. I am finding out that there are several people doing an outstanding job of leading churches that I never heard of. Thanks to the links button on some of my friends websites I have been able to visit some pretty cool churches online. I will post some of the ones I'm following real soon.
3. Books.......I wish I could tell you that I love to read but that's not true. What I do love is being my best for the Lord. For me to be my best I need to read. Reading takes discipline, I have to make myself because I am not one to sit still very long. This is probably on of the toughest areas for me but I will say it is also one of the most rewarding. There's just something about when you dig into a book and you find that nuggett of information that makes you wannna dig again.
4. Conferences......I have not been to a lot of Big conferences but I will say that I know there is a need for this in my ministry. Being from a small church in a small town if I'm not careful I can become Lazy in my thinking. One of the things that a conference does for me is open my eyes to other ideas of doing ministry. Don't be discouraged that your church is not like the mega church go home and make a difference that's what it's all about.
5. Mistakes.......that's right, mistakes if you don't fail at something ever once in a while you probably aren't trying very hard. Don't always take the safe route. Learn what works and what don't. What works will always be changing just like the society we live in. (I didn't say change the message.)
I would love to hear from you how you learn, maybe it would help me and others. Send me a comment.
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