Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Back to School

Can you believe it school is just around the corner. I hope everyone will make time to spend time together as a family before the routine begins all over again. Summer is a great time to travel and enjoy yourself and I hope all of you have been able to do all you wanted.

Starting on August 2 we are going to be emphasizing " Back to School" with 5 Special Sundays.

August 2 " Supplies Sunday" bring school supplies for all ages

August 9 "Backpack Sunday" bring backpacks for students

August 16 "Back to School Bash" during the evening service

August 23 "Bless our Schools Sunday" A time of prayer

August 30 "Back to Sunday School Day" High attendance Sunday

Help us make August one of the best months we've had in a long time. Get involved and see what kind of blessings you will receive.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Summer Time

I love summer time! Even though we have been to busy to get to the Lake. It has been a lot of fun so far. Tanners Legion team finished 3rd in the state tournament and Logan's team just won the district tournament last night. Way to go teams!!!

Summer time can be stressful because there is so much to do and we can all get pulled in so many different ways . Recently I received an anonymous letter that was anything but flattering, it reminded me of all my "many" failures and I have had a lot of time to ponder on some of the things it had to say. I have since asked God to help me get better in the areas in which I need improvement and help me stay strong in the areas that are unwavering. I must say that God is growing me. Summer time seems to be a time for things to grow and I suppose that he is giving me the opportunity myself to grow. I love fresh vegetables that have matured on the vine, you know now that I think of it I just bet there is nothing that pleaseds the Lord more than Good "ripe" mature Christians.

How ripe are you?


Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I don't know where to begin, I'll start by letting everyone know that all the Murray family is doing very well. My mom is doing well she is having a good summer. Mom has even been able to attend one of the boys baseball games, we didn't think that would ever happen. Johnna has just started a 3 week nontraditional teaching program, she is just almost a licensed elementary teacher and we are all so proud of her. She spent a couple of weeks in arkadelphia this summer taking some classes. All boys in the house ......PARTY

Tanner and Logan have been real busy with baseball and Ethan has been busy mowing yards and bailing hay, which one do you think pays the most? I am really proud of my family. I just had to post this picture of Tanner his Legion team upset Jonesboro to win the District tournament. Way to go team.

As for the church I really believe God is moving and stirring some people to step up and go to higher ground. I am not sure what it is yet but I can just since IT. We are in the middle of bible school and there is lots of energy around here right now.

One thing I have learned lately is that whatever you are be the best whatever you can be until you become something else!