Thursday, February 25, 2010
Just God
I have to tell you this story it is to good not to. On Tuesday I was wrestling with going to Paragould to do a few things that I needed to do. I really didn't want to go, but I went anyway. I stopped at a local store to pick up some things I needed and while in the store I ran into my uncle. We visited for a while, laughed about Johnna being pregnant and then he asked me if I would baptize him. It was a God moment for me, my uncle said he had been thinking about giving his life to Christ for some time and thought it was time. That's why I was suppose to be in Paragould, to be used by God. I look forward to sharing more with my uncle about God's forgiveness and to see him surrender his life to God.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Just to let you know

I am so excited about all that is going on in my life. First of all Johnna is doing just fine, she has been to the doctor and she is definitely pregnant. We had an ultrasound and saw and heard life inside the womb. It is truly a miracle of God when He places life inside another. Pray for all of us as we are well aware that life will never be the same. The boys are all doing well after the initial shock passed. Parents aren't suppose to do that. I love you guys!!!!! I am also very excited about the days ahead for Emmanuel, we are going to be starting a brand new series of messages called "March Madness" Mad stands for Make A Difference!! During the month of March we are going to talking about how we can make a difference in certain areas of our lives. God has called us to make a difference and we can do it with God's strength and leadership. This is going to take us right up to Easter Sunday Morning and I am praying for a harvest of lost people who will give their lives to Jesus. You can begin to make a difference by starting to pray and invite people to our Easter service. Let's fill this church to overflowing, we can do it if we all strive to Make A Difference. We need your help, let's join together and see what God does with a group of people who want to see God move.
Excited about the future!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Cowboy Church

Just wanted to let everyone know that we will be baptizing three folks at the Cowboy Church in Poplar Bluff, Mo. on Tuesday night. We are so excited about the service and we want to invite everyone to come celebrate with those who have given their lives to Christ. I will also be paying a debt in which I told a little girl in the church that if we ever got over 100 people in a service I would sing from the top of the church. Well we had 140 a few weeks ago so Tuesday night I am going to keep my word to this little girl. So, if you want to hear "I'll fly away" from 30 feet high, show up at the Rodgers Theatre in Poplar Bluff, MO Tuesday night at 7:00. God is doing GREAT things and I am so glad to be a part of it.
Big News at the Murray House
This is what I call a WOW moment. Are you ready? We are expecting our 4th child. At the youthful age of 42 and 43 we are going to be having a baby. I know what you are thinking, and yes we know what causes that but, we are really excited about what God has chosen to give us. Please keep us in your prayers. Life is going to be a little different around the house in a few months. The baby is due in October. The boys are excited can you believe that. We have designated the next several months as THINK PINK months. We are praying for a healthy baby thanks for thinking about us and praying for us.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Friday Post
Good morning everyone, I hope all of you have a GREAT day. I enjoyed a couple of Mohawk basketball games last night at Brookland even though we lost it is always great to watch the boys play. I must confess though that recently it is the ride home from the games that enjoy the most. You know laughing about the dumb things they did and the punks on the other teams and of course gotta stop by McDonalds and order off the dollar menu (man they can eat alot after a game) These are definitely some of the best days of my life. I have to admit in the last week not only have I seen God save the lost I have seen God working in the boys. They have a new found zeal for studying God's word and that makes me swell up with pride, I'm sorry. I want to thank Jerry Massey for stepping in and filling a gap for us in our youth program, we are headed in the right direction. This Sunday morning the youth will share some of what they have been learning on Wednesday night so don't miss it. The Super Bowl won't be nothin compared to what you will see on Sunday Morning I can't wait. See all of you Sunday.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
The Harvest is plentiful
Well it has been a wonderful couple of weeks. I have had the privilege to lead 8 people to the Lord over the last 2 weeks. 6 folks have given their lives to Christ at the Thousand Hills Cowboy Church in Poplar Bluff, Mo in the last couple of weeks. For those who may not know the Cowboy Church was started by Emmanuel Baptist 3 years ago. We have also seen some teenagers and children give their lives to Christ on Wednesday nights at Emmanuel. I am so thankful to be apart of lives being changed, this is still the main thing that we must do as a church LEAD PEOPLE TO JESUS. Please pray that we would keep the main thing the main thing.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Promises Promises
I recently have been reading the promises of God throughout the bible and I have to tell you that it is amazing all that God has said He would do. The greatest of all is the promise to save me from my sins in which I know for a fact He has done. I just read John 3:17 and it says that God did not come to condemn me but to forgive me. I have plenty that He could condemn me about but He chose to forgive me and save me. Now think about this if the God of the universe does not choose to condemn us in our lost condition why do we continue to condemn those who are not yet saved. What we need in our churches is a less condemning spirit of those not like us and a more Christ like attitude toward those that are lost and on their way to Hell. I am praying for God to use me to reach those who aren't yet saved. Please help me by praying for me and our church that we would be very active in doing whatever it takes to reach those that don't know Jesus. They're out there we just got to go find them and tell them about God's forgiveness of our sins.
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