Monday, August 31, 2009

Great Weather

Wow the weather in Piggott has been incredible for August. Monday the high had to be in the low 70's it felt like October. Isn't it amazing how just the weather can effect how you feel. Feelings are something that everybody has to deal with, sometimes we feel Great and other times we feel like not SO great. I am so thankful that my salvation isn't based on my feelings but based on the promise of God that He will never leave me nor forsake me. I may not always feel saved but I know because I confessed my sins as a teenager and ask God to forgive me I AM Saved! Now back to the weather I love cool afternoons today I had 12 kids in my back yard playing wiffle ball and I just sat and watched about 5 innings and it was soooo much fun. O to be wiffle ball age again. (wait I am wiffle ball age you never out grow wiffle ball, I'm playin tommorrow) I hope all of you find time to just stop and enjoy some of the cool things going on all around you. It's time well spent for me considering 2 of the twelve players belonged to me and the other 10 are basically adopted.
Live life to the fullest it's gonna end one of these days!

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