Monday, December 13, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everybody I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday season. God has been super good to the Murray's this year and we are so thankful. As many of you know we had our 4th son on September 20 and it has brought so much Joy into our house. I wasn't for sure what life would be like after Lane came along but it has been many more times GREATER than expected. Isn't it amazing what new life brings to a person and family. My prayer for all of you is that new life would come to you this Christmas maybe not in the form of your own child, but at least let the birth of Jesus Christ bring Joy to you and your family by letting him into your heart.

Well winter has come to Piggott, Ar. the wind chill is below zero today so I've got to go find some more clothes have a GREAT Day.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Baby is a blessing

Hi everyone just wanted to let everyone know that Johnna and I have our fourth son. His name is Lane Timothy and we all love him very much. I didn't realize it would be this good I guess I should of but all I could think of was what I would have to give up but didn't realize what I would be getting. Well worth the trade!!!!!!!!!! Sounds kind of like when we come to Jesus, so many people think they will have to give up so many things but in reality what you give up is no comparison to what you get. Thank you Jesus!!!!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What do you need God to bring back to life?

I just finished reading about the day that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead and it has got me fired up!!! Maybe I'm the only one but I've got some things in my life that once used to be alive and well and over time they have seemed to die and have no life at all. That's exactly opposite of all that Jesus is, " I am the way the truth and the LIFE" Jesus said. Maybe it's your marriage, your walk with God, your relationship with others or maybe it's your finances or even your physical health. Jesus' main emphasis was on the fact that in order for us to live we must believe in HIM. He told Mary and Martha that He was glad He wasn't there when Lazarus died so that they might believe. I don't know what you need God to do in your life today, but I know that He raised Lazarus from the dead and He can raise any dead thing in your life too. You gotta BELIEVE. Let's start seeing dead things come back to life and see what others begin to say about your God.

It is a privilege to be Son of God and I am so thankful that God is breathing life into me everyday.

Monday September 20, 2010 we get to meet Lane Timothy Murray, can't wait to see you son, dad loves you.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Good Days to Come

Hey everyone, hope you are all doing well. Johnna and I are doing well raising those boys and getting ready for number 4. Our newest addition will be here on Sept. 20. I want to say thanks to everyone for all the love and support we have received over the last several months. I never expected to be going to baby showers at the age of 43 but you know it wasn't all that bad. Lane Timothy Murray is the name we have chosen for him and it meets the approval of all his brothers. God seems to be doing some wonderful things around our house and the church here lately. I'm excited about the days ahead because I know God is wanting to bless the Murray family and Emmanuel Baptist Church. I'm ready!!!

We are going to be starting a brand new series of sermons this Sunday morning and I'm gonna call it "We Still Care". The scripture we will be looking at for the next 5 weeks will be Colossians 3:12. I am praying for God to clothe us with the things that he recommends and not what the world wants. You may not know it but God himself is the greatest designer of all.
I hope you will come join us starting this Sunday morning at 9am for small groups and 10am for the worship service. I look forward to posting weekly now and letting you know what God is doing. Let's do this!!!!!!!!

Love ya BIG,


Monday, July 19, 2010

Murray update

Hey everyone, if anybody still checks this blog. I guess I was blogged out. Just to let you know we are all doing well and Johnna will give birth to our 4th son in just a couple of months (Sept 25) and we are all looking forward to Lane Timothy Murray arriving into this world. The summer has been wonderful very low pace and it has been Great. We have spent a little time at the lake with the boys after the baseball seasons ended and we had a BLAST. I think we will do again just before football season starts. I am still praying for God to do Great things with our family. This past weekend Ethan and I had the opportunity to go with some friends on a trail ride and fish fry and after we finished eating I had the privilege of Baptizing a husband and wife down at the river. It was so GREAT!!!! Someone comment if you read this and I'll keep it up.


Friday, March 19, 2010

Cookin' Butts

That's right i've been up all night cookin' Boston Butts for the Junior class so they can make enough money to have a prom and after prom PARTY. I am looking forward to bed time and it ain't even lunch time. The things we do for love, the things we do for love, but that's not why I'm doing this, that would be because my wife volunteered me for the job. I am making the most of it, at least I am able to do and some folks wish they were and they can't so, not gonna complain (anymore).

Please pray for me tomorrow I am preaching the funeral of Bro. Kim Bridges son in law. He was 27 and died with a heart attack on Wednesday night. They have 2 little boys under 3. Hug your spouse today please just for Kyle and April sake we never know what today may bring so be ready for whatever.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It'sall Good

That's right it's ALL good! It has been a wonderful week so far, I was able to preach in Walnut Ridge on Sunday and Monday and God definitely came near. Tonight I was at Cowboy Church in Poplar Bluff and we had 146 folks show up to worship that same God that was in Walnut Ridge. Tomorrow night I get to do game time with 100 plus kids at AWANA's at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Piggott. Now is that a Great week or what?
Easter is just around the corner and we are making plans for an exciting Easter weekend. We are going to be having our first ever Easter weekend fish fry on Friday night thanks to some folks in the community who want to LOVE BIG. On Saturday starting at 12 noon we will have games, rides, and plenty of food for all the kids and their families. We will also be entertained by an illusionist from Dexter, Mo. right before our annual Easter egg hunt. Help us make this a HUGE success by inviting anybody and everybody. I can't wait.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Hey everyone, I sure hope all of you are living life to the fullest because that's exactly what Christ came to give us. I am so sorry I left all of you wondering what happened with my uncle, well I did baptize him a few weeks ago at Cowboy Church and it was GREAT. I had many of my family members there to see my uncle commit his life to Christ. There were 193 people at Cowboy Church that night, a new high attendance. God has been doing so many wonderful things at Emmanuel and at our campus in Poplar Bluff. Last Sunday we had a woman give her life to Christ and she is going to be baptized along with several others on Easter Sunday morning and we can't wait.
Easter will be here before we know it and plans are being wrapped up to have one of the best Easter weekends we have had in years, pray that God is pleased with our attempt to Love Big!! If you haven't signed up to be a part of this special weekend please pray about taking part and don't miss out on being a blessing to someone.
Johnna is doing fine and goes back to the doctor this week, please keep us all in your prayers we are so blessed to be expecting another child at our youthful age. We are taking applications for babysitters but you must apply in person, come see us.

John 10:10


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Just God

I have to tell you this story it is to good not to. On Tuesday I was wrestling with going to Paragould to do a few things that I needed to do. I really didn't want to go, but I went anyway. I stopped at a local store to pick up some things I needed and while in the store I ran into my uncle. We visited for a while, laughed about Johnna being pregnant and then he asked me if I would baptize him. It was a God moment for me, my uncle said he had been thinking about giving his life to Christ for some time and thought it was time. That's why I was suppose to be in Paragould, to be used by God. I look forward to sharing more with my uncle about God's forgiveness and to see him surrender his life to God.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Just to let you know

I am so excited about all that is going on in my life. First of all Johnna is doing just fine, she has been to the doctor and she is definitely pregnant. We had an ultrasound and saw and heard life inside the womb. It is truly a miracle of God when He places life inside another. Pray for all of us as we are well aware that life will never be the same. The boys are all doing well after the initial shock passed. Parents aren't suppose to do that. I love you guys!!!!! I am also very excited about the days ahead for Emmanuel, we are going to be starting a brand new series of messages called "March Madness" Mad stands for Make A Difference!! During the month of March we are going to talking about how we can make a difference in certain areas of our lives. God has called us to make a difference and we can do it with God's strength and leadership. This is going to take us right up to Easter Sunday Morning and I am praying for a harvest of lost people who will give their lives to Jesus. You can begin to make a difference by starting to pray and invite people to our Easter service. Let's fill this church to overflowing, we can do it if we all strive to Make A Difference. We need your help, let's join together and see what God does with a group of people who want to see God move.

Excited about the future!


Monday, February 15, 2010

Cowboy Church

Just wanted to let everyone know that we will be baptizing three folks at the Cowboy Church in Poplar Bluff, Mo. on Tuesday night. We are so excited about the service and we want to invite everyone to come celebrate with those who have given their lives to Christ. I will also be paying a debt in which I told a little girl in the church that if we ever got over 100 people in a service I would sing from the top of the church. Well we had 140 a few weeks ago so Tuesday night I am going to keep my word to this little girl. So, if you want to hear "I'll fly away" from 30 feet high, show up at the Rodgers Theatre in Poplar Bluff, MO Tuesday night at 7:00. God is doing GREAT things and I am so glad to be a part of it.

Big News at the Murray House

This is what I call a WOW moment. Are you ready? We are expecting our 4th child. At the youthful age of 42 and 43 we are going to be having a baby. I know what you are thinking, and yes we know what causes that but, we are really excited about what God has chosen to give us. Please keep us in your prayers. Life is going to be a little different around the house in a few months. The baby is due in October. The boys are excited can you believe that. We have designated the next several months as THINK PINK months. We are praying for a healthy baby thanks for thinking about us and praying for us.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday Post

Good morning everyone, I hope all of you have a GREAT day. I enjoyed a couple of Mohawk basketball games last night at Brookland even though we lost it is always great to watch the boys play. I must confess though that recently it is the ride home from the games that enjoy the most. You know laughing about the dumb things they did and the punks on the other teams and of course gotta stop by McDonalds and order off the dollar menu (man they can eat alot after a game) These are definitely some of the best days of my life. I have to admit in the last week not only have I seen God save the lost I have seen God working in the boys. They have a new found zeal for studying God's word and that makes me swell up with pride, I'm sorry. I want to thank Jerry Massey for stepping in and filling a gap for us in our youth program, we are headed in the right direction. This Sunday morning the youth will share some of what they have been learning on Wednesday night so don't miss it. The Super Bowl won't be nothin compared to what you will see on Sunday Morning I can't wait. See all of you Sunday.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Harvest is plentiful

Well it has been a wonderful couple of weeks. I have had the privilege to lead 8 people to the Lord over the last 2 weeks. 6 folks have given their lives to Christ at the Thousand Hills Cowboy Church in Poplar Bluff, Mo in the last couple of weeks. For those who may not know the Cowboy Church was started by Emmanuel Baptist 3 years ago. We have also seen some teenagers and children give their lives to Christ on Wednesday nights at Emmanuel. I am so thankful to be apart of lives being changed, this is still the main thing that we must do as a church LEAD PEOPLE TO JESUS. Please pray that we would keep the main thing the main thing.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Promises Promises

I recently have been reading the promises of God throughout the bible and I have to tell you that it is amazing all that God has said He would do. The greatest of all is the promise to save me from my sins in which I know for a fact He has done. I just read John 3:17 and it says that God did not come to condemn me but to forgive me. I have plenty that He could condemn me about but He chose to forgive me and save me. Now think about this if the God of the universe does not choose to condemn us in our lost condition why do we continue to condemn those who are not yet saved. What we need in our churches is a less condemning spirit of those not like us and a more Christ like attitude toward those that are lost and on their way to Hell. I am praying for God to use me to reach those who aren't yet saved. Please help me by praying for me and our church that we would be very active in doing whatever it takes to reach those that don't know Jesus. They're out there we just got to go find them and tell them about God's forgiveness of our sins.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

3 little helpful ideas

Speak Up:
That's right we should ALL tell more people about how GOOD God has been to us! Good news can spread too!

Shut Up:
That's right we should ALL stop telling people how terrible everyone else is. Gossip and slander doesn't fix anything.

Grow Up:
That's right we should all be studying the Bible and growing daily and if we do we will have no problem with Speaking Up and Shutting Up.

I hope these 3 ideas will be of help to you, because I know they have been to me. You might want to start with the last one .

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

God is moving

I just want to tell all of you what God has done in the last few days at Emmanuel and the Cowboy Church. This past Sunday night we had 2 teenage boys obey God and be baptized an we have one more waiting to. On Tuesday night at our Cowboy Church we had our largest attendance yet of 110 folks and a young mother gave her life to Christ. Then on Wednesday at Awanas we had a young boy about 11 years old give his life to Christ and wants to be obedient to God and be baptized. It has been a wonderful week. God is still moving! I am so proud of our student ministry as well, Jerry Massey has agreed to be our interim student minister and he is doing a Great job of bringing some new ideas to our ministry. God is good and I can't wait to see what happens next. Do me a favor and tell someone about our churches, I'll see you Sunday come prepared to worship and see God move.

Scriptures I find very useful

I'm sorry but I couldn't remember my password to blog, but I finally got it. So here's some scriptures that I said I would post that I think will be helpful to us all.

Phil. 4:19
John 16:33
Psalm 46:1-3 , 7
Isaiah 41:10
2 Timothy 1:7
Psalm 16:8
Psalm 55:22
Psalm 62:6
1 Peter 5:6,7
Isaiah 26:3
Joshua 14:10-12

I encourage you to read these verses every day for one week and just see if it effects your attitude.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Cell Phone

Hey just sitting in Alltel store being patient. Headed to v isit a special lady in the hospital, Ms Bulah High . Thanks for all the calls and cards you folks have sent. Hope you have a GREAT DAY. Communication is important so I gotta get these phones working.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


It is bad cold in Piggott, Arkansas. One person I know said it was so cold he saw a snowman with a snuggie on, now that's cold. Every new year always brings new things. We never really now what to expect especially from the weather, but one thing is always the same and that is of course God's love for all of us. I just want everyone to know that no matter what happens to you in this new year God Loves You! For some of us it will be easy to see, while others may question if it is true or not, it is. God's love has nothing to with our actions it has everything to do with what He has already said from the Cross. I hope everyone has a Great Year.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Moms funeral

Happy New Year everyone! 2010 didn't start the way we all had it planned but it was sure the best beginning to something my mom has ever been a part of. Mom passed away on New Years eve night around 8 pm at the Piggott Community Hospital. She had been in the hospital since Monday night and finally went to heaven on Thursday night. Mom had been fighting lung cancer for the past several months and she never gave up. My mom loved life, and she wanted every day that she could possible get and that's why she lived as long as she did. Her family is what motivated her to keep trying. I have got to do this and that she would say with all the optimism of someone who would overcome that dreaded disease of cancer. Well mom's plans where not God's plans but I know she likes His better now that she's in Heaven. I am going to Miss her very much but I sure am glad she' not suffering any more.

I want to thank everyone who has loved on us in so many different ways over the last few days. We appreciate all you have done for us. I leave you with this, make 2010 a year of peace, forgiveness and great joy.
