Monday, January 10, 2011

Great Start to a new year

Hey it's a new year and new opportunities to make a difference in this world in which we live in. My goals for this year are to Lead people to Jesus, Love people like Jesus and Laugh with people just because it's good for you. I hope that I will be a better _____________ in the year 2011. You fill in the blank, I have many things I want to do better at this year. Things have started well, I learned before you can do better you first have to admit you needed to improve. That's not always easy for us to do, admit failure and fix it and then it's not failure. I hope to lead fifty people to Christ this year if not more and see everyone of them follow the Lord and be Baptized and grow as a Christian. Pray for me as I share Jesus with whoever will stand still long enough to let me. Love ya have a Great Year!!!

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