That's right it's almost Christmas and I don't feel very good. My dad always gave me good advice and it was this "you'll feel better when it quits hurting" what's hurting is my head. Please pray for me to get better. Thank you.
I do hope all of you are doing fine and looking forward to celebrating Christmas. If you would like to start early you can attend one of my good friends Troy Gramlings church services live on the Internet. They start tomorrow night (Thursday) at 6pm our time. You can just go to and click on the Internet campus and enjoy the entire service. If you attend let me know what you think. Don't forget about our services at Emmanuel this weekend we have a wonderful musical drama that will be presented by our choir and drama team.
I hope to see you all this weekend at church.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
So good to be missed
I'm sorry to all of my faithful readers about the 2 day absence but I have been away from my computer. We are preparing for our first open house in some time. The Murray home is going to be opened up for the World to enjoy. This Sunday from 3pm until people quit coming we are going to open up our home to everyone that would like to stop by and visit. We are so proud of the home that Emmanuel provides for us to live in. The Murray family wants everyone to know how much we love and appreciate all that you do for us.
I do hope to see all of you this Sunday morning as I share about The Ultimate Gift. There is a lot of excitement in the air right now so you do not want to miss what takes place this weekend. Call someone and have them meet you at church this week. We are going to have hot apple cider in the foyer this week so come early and enjoy some time with friends.
See ya Sunday.
I do hope to see all of you this Sunday morning as I share about The Ultimate Gift. There is a lot of excitement in the air right now so you do not want to miss what takes place this weekend. Call someone and have them meet you at church this week. We are going to have hot apple cider in the foyer this week so come early and enjoy some time with friends.
See ya Sunday.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I want to hear from you. If you would leave me a comment and tell me about your most memorable Christmas. I promise not to tell your story to the church without your permission. If you would rather e-mail me you can send it to
I hope all of you are having a Great day. My day started out with a phone call from a church member who encouraged me. Words are so powerful. They can lift you up or tear you down, I hope that you will use your lips to speak words of encouragement to someone today. You can change the course of someones day by just saying something nice. Try it!
The week looks busy pray for me. I am the chaplain at the hospital this week, so I get to "make rounds" sounds important. Tonight is Cowboy Church in Poplar Bluff, tomorrow is nursing home ministry, bible study and AWANAS. Keep all of our ministries in your prayers as God works thru all of our volunteers. Thank you to everyone who makes things happen around our church. I love this place and I can't wait to see what happens next.
Right now I have to prepare myself for a chili lunch that I have been invited to with a bunch of good old boys. I'll let you know how it was.
Isn't that snowman cool.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Churched looked Great

The church looked as good as it has ever looked this past weekend. From beautiful trees and bright lights to a bigger than life size snowman. I had so many people comment on how Great things looked. What did you think? I just wanted to say thanks again to all of our volunteers who spent countless hours making our building come alive for Christmas. Thank you.
We not only enjoyed the beautiful building this weekend but we also had a Super Sunday. The attendance was wonderful, fellowship sweet, and the worship was outstanding. I enjoyed sharing about the gift of being included. I did receive a phone call from someone who said that sermon was just for them. They must have felt left out before. I hope everyone knows how much God loves you. Christmas is a time when everyone should feel special but unfortunately not all do. We can make a difference this Christmas by looking for those who may not feel apart of any group and include them in ours. Take someone to lunch, give them a call, write a note I've learned that it doesn't take much to make a big difference.
It is my goal to bring some Joy to someone everyday. Why don't you try that today. Let me know if you succeed. I hope all of you have a wonderful week, and don't forget you better cry and you better not pout because it's way to close to Christmas.
Tell someone about our website today and invite them to this weekends service. It is going to be an incredible day.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Something I enjoy

For those of you who may not know, one of the things that I enjoy doing when I get the chance is team roping. I started as soon as I moved to Piggott over 12 years ago. The horse that I am riding in this picture is a horse that Wade Harris trained and we eventually bought after someone else had him. (I am the one in front, Wade is the one behind the cow) I have had so much fun over the past 12 years learning to rope and ride. I still have a long way to go but I am having fun. I said all that to say that tomorrow I am going to Jonesboro to compete at a roping and I may not get back in time to blog so I just wanted all of you folks to know where I was and why I hadn't blogged. I'm looking forward to it, I'll let you know how I do. See you Sunday!
WOW what a tree

Have you ever seen a 7 foot Christmas tree with 3000 colored lights on it? I can tell you this it is amazingly beautiful. If you were at church last Sunday I introduced you to a poor looking tree that was leaning and had no hope of blessing someone at Christmas. Guess what, someone gave that tree some special attention and loved it enough to spend some quality time restoring it's beauty. Now it is being used to brighten the lives of many people from miles around. You can't miss this Sunday because you have to see the transformation that has taken place.
I am sitting up in the balcony working and I am able to see the tree come to life. The person working on it is taking her time to make sure that every branch is taken care of and that the star on top is perfect. As I sit here and watch I am reminded of my own life and how that 27 years ago someone picked me out of the crowd and began to transform me. When others looked at me as a poor looking tree that didn't have a lot to offer Jesus saw my potential. On January 1, 1980 Jesus began to put His light in my heart. Over the past 27 years He has been blessing me and using me. As I look at this tree and see all the lights and how it is impossible to miss and be blessed by, I pray that my life will continue to glow even more the longer I live and serve the Lord.
You may not feel very useful this Christmas but I want all of you to know that Christ left out no one when He came. You are special and useful. Come this Sunday and hear about the Great Gift of being Included by God at Christmas. Only 2 more days, I can't wait.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
WOW how time flies!

Isn't it amazing that Christmas is just around the corner. This picture was taken over the summer while we were in Breckenridge, Colorado and it seems like it was just yesterday that we were there. Time has a way of slipping away.
Everybody usually gets really down when they start talking about that kind of stuff. Let's look at differently, if time is flying by, why not get on board and enjoy the ride. One of these day we won't feel like flying. I am all about adventure and fun (fun mostly) so let's set out to have some fun at times expense. As you can tell our little boys are eating well and growing big. Often when Johnna and I talk about them growing up we get a little depressed. I don't think that is the right approach, there will be plenty of time to be depressed when they're gone but right now let's enjoy the "time" we have and have some FUN! Hey it's Christmas do something as a family and make some memories so that when you are old like my Dad you will have something to sit around and laugh about. Time isn't a bad thing, it's a precious thing use it don't waste it.
I hope all of you have a Great weekend and you complete it by coming this Sunday to Emmanuel to be WOWED by what is going to happen. Don't miss it, and bring someone with you because it will be twice as much fun if you share the experience with a friend.
Lovin' Life,
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Close games at Hoxie
Last night I watched our oldest boys play basketball against the Hoxie Mustangs. It was an enjoyable evening for the most part. Logan (7th grader) played one of his best games of the season. His team pulled out a nail biter with just 16 seconds left in the game they took the lead on a 12 foot jumper from Will Winberry. Logan hit 2 free throws after a Hoxie player was called for a technical foul and that sealed the victory. Way to go 7th grade Mohawks.
The Junior high game was sloppy to say the least. We played very sloppy for most of the first half but found ourselves down by only 2 at the half. In the second half we played much better and our effort was commendable. Tanner played well in the second half by attacking the boards and going strong to the goal. I wish I wasn't so intense at sporting events but I find myself yelling instructions way to much. I am very proud of all three of our boys and I hope that each of them know that.
Sports has always been a big part of my life. It can be a very positive thing if you don't allow it to become more than it should. The thing I love to watch at just about any sporting event is an athlete who is busting his tail. I mean playing hard on every play. Effort has beaten talent many times. Just because you have talent doesn't guarantee a win. That is great to hear because not all of us have a lot of talent but yet we can all put out an effort. In the church there may be more talented people than you but understand this God is not so much concerned with your talent as He is your effort.
The junior Mohawks may not have started well last night but they finished strong. That strong finish led them to a victory. You may not have started your walk with the Lord very well but there is still time to finish strong. Be remembered as someone who gave a great effort.
The Junior high game was sloppy to say the least. We played very sloppy for most of the first half but found ourselves down by only 2 at the half. In the second half we played much better and our effort was commendable. Tanner played well in the second half by attacking the boards and going strong to the goal. I wish I wasn't so intense at sporting events but I find myself yelling instructions way to much. I am very proud of all three of our boys and I hope that each of them know that.
Sports has always been a big part of my life. It can be a very positive thing if you don't allow it to become more than it should. The thing I love to watch at just about any sporting event is an athlete who is busting his tail. I mean playing hard on every play. Effort has beaten talent many times. Just because you have talent doesn't guarantee a win. That is great to hear because not all of us have a lot of talent but yet we can all put out an effort. In the church there may be more talented people than you but understand this God is not so much concerned with your talent as He is your effort.
The junior Mohawks may not have started well last night but they finished strong. That strong finish led them to a victory. You may not have started your walk with the Lord very well but there is still time to finish strong. Be remembered as someone who gave a great effort.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Big give away this Sunday!
I couldn't wait to tell you, this Sunday everyone is going home a with a gift from Emmanuel. Bring a friend and let them get in on the surprise. I can hardly keep from telling you all the exciting things that is going to happen this Sunday morning. Spread the word by email, phone, or visit but don't come to church this Sunday alone.
I need your help, we need more people stopping by our website. Starting this Sunday we will have cards with our web address on them and you can pass them out to people you come in contact with. I am hoping for 1000 hits before Christmas morning. We have lots to share let's get busy. Big news about a website contest coming up this Sunday as well.
WOW I love Christmas!!!!!!
I need your help, we need more people stopping by our website. Starting this Sunday we will have cards with our web address on them and you can pass them out to people you come in contact with. I am hoping for 1000 hits before Christmas morning. We have lots to share let's get busy. Big news about a website contest coming up this Sunday as well.
WOW I love Christmas!!!!!!
Game Day.
Today is going to be another Great day. I am on my way to pick up Rudy for breakfast but before I do I just wanted to write a few lines and encourage all of you this morning. I have spent the last few days with what I have diagnosed as a ear infection today I'm going to see if I am right, (i'm going to the dr.) I haven't been able to hear very well out of my right ear and it is driving me crazy. I take so many things for granted how about you. My hearing has been one of those. This little health issue has caused me to wake up and give thanks for all the abilities that I do have. I don't want to waste the God given gifts such as hearing and speaking that God has given me so today I am going to try my best to lend an ear to someone who needs to talk (my left one) and use my mouth to speak encouragement to someone. Why don't you do the same. Let me know how it goes.
Oh yea, Game day! Tonight the Murray boys have a basketball game at Hoxie and I am fired up about watching them play. I love my life and all of you are a big part of it.
Don't forget to come and see the transformation of that sad Christmas tree this Sunday you will be WOWed!!!!!!
Oh yea, Game day! Tonight the Murray boys have a basketball game at Hoxie and I am fired up about watching them play. I love my life and all of you are a big part of it.
Don't forget to come and see the transformation of that sad Christmas tree this Sunday you will be WOWed!!!!!!
Monday, December 3, 2007
WOW starts off wtih a bang

Yesterday we kicked off a new series at Emmanuel called "Gifts that make you go WOW! I talked about the fact that God chose two ordinary people to do extraordinary things. It is a huge Gift from God for Him to choose to use us. I hope that each of you will grasp the reality that God wants to use you! How cool.
Speaking of being used let me tell you what 21 teenagers and 6 adults did yesterday. Immediately after church the youth set up a call station in the foyer of the church and made 1207 phone calls to people in Piggott. The reason for the call was to simply wish the community a Merry Christmas and ask what we could pray for them about. These kids made a huge difference in just a few short hours. I came in about 4 o'clock and wanted to take them all out for milkshakes and they wouldn't leave. I stood and watched as the well organized machine ran to perfection. They received 196 prayer request, prayed over the phone with almost 1oo individuals and got hung up on 96 times. Our teenagers ROCK!
Yesterday was just another indication of how important leadership is to a church. I want to thank Dave and Karen Green for giving great leadership to our students yesterday. If you want to know what I mean by the fact that being used by God is a gift just talk to Dave or Karen and ask them what if feels like to be used by God, better than that maybe you should ask one of the students who spent yesterday afternoon being used. (wow that was a long sentence)
I want to challenge those of you who are following along to find a way that God can use you and go to work. Start today and let me know how feels to be used by God.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Going Shopping!
To be a good leader you need to invest in those around you and today I am going to invest in my wife by spending quality time with her and hundreds of other people at the Mall. As soon as she finishes lunch duty at the school we are going to Paragould and Jonesboro. We are going to attend the funeral of our good friend David Richey's father who passed away on Tuesday. David is a wonderful fellow and we love him and his family very much so please pray for them.
I have to tell you how excited I am about this upcoming series of sermons. Thanks to those close to me I have been able to get plenty of good ideas on how to maximize this series. I don't know whether to call it The WOW series or The ULTIMATE GIFTS. I am sure by Sunday I'll know. The main thing is that we get the word out to those who need to hear it. Everyone is looking for a good deal these days and I think this Sunday will prove to be a good deal for everyone.
Christmas is just 26 days away, have you thought about how you can help us fill the church for our Christmas services. I want to encourage all of you to begin now inviting people to our services. Another thing you can do is volunteer! We need lots of volunteers to help park cars, greet guest, work in the nursery, pass out cider and many other things. If you are interested in volunteering call the church office and we will bless you by giving you a job.
Sorry but I have to go the money in my pocket is burning a hole all the way through my jeans so we better go get rid of it. If you would like you can email me at and tell me what you would like for Christmas.
I have to tell you how excited I am about this upcoming series of sermons. Thanks to those close to me I have been able to get plenty of good ideas on how to maximize this series. I don't know whether to call it The WOW series or The ULTIMATE GIFTS. I am sure by Sunday I'll know. The main thing is that we get the word out to those who need to hear it. Everyone is looking for a good deal these days and I think this Sunday will prove to be a good deal for everyone.
Christmas is just 26 days away, have you thought about how you can help us fill the church for our Christmas services. I want to encourage all of you to begin now inviting people to our services. Another thing you can do is volunteer! We need lots of volunteers to help park cars, greet guest, work in the nursery, pass out cider and many other things. If you are interested in volunteering call the church office and we will bless you by giving you a job.
Sorry but I have to go the money in my pocket is burning a hole all the way through my jeans so we better go get rid of it. If you would like you can email me at and tell me what you would like for Christmas.
Thursday, November 29, 2007

Gifts that make you go WOW! That is what I am calling the series of sermons that I will be preaching during the Christmas holidays. I am so fired up about the future of our church it just makes me want to SHOUT. God is moving in the lives of many and I am one of them. Today I talked with a friend about some possible leadership changes that I can make in my life that will be huge for the growth of our church. We have to want to grow to grow, that goes for all of us as individuals not just the church as a whole.
Do you want to grow? Then evaluate your own life and see what could change. Is it your work habits or maybe your effort in doing the work. Are you giving God your best? These are questions that I am answering and evaluating what I find out. If you don't like criticism this may not be something on your to do list, because I assure you that all of us have our areas of weakness.
One of the gifts that can make you go WOW is that fact that God has chosen you to do a special work through. Mary had no idea she would be used the way she was but in the end it was an awesome gift God gave her in the fact that she was the mother of Jesus. God used Mary and He wants to use you, what a gift from God to know that He wants to use me to change the world, WOW! Let's work together as a TEAM and make a difference!!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I can explain.
I'm sorry to all of you faithful followers about not posting yesterday. I had some very important things that took most of my day and night and I was unable to keep my word. Please pray for the Walker family from Piggott, unfortunately their new born son (only 6days old) passed away and the funeral was yesterday. I had the opportunity to minister to this family by saying a few words at the funeral and taking some food over to the house. I want to say thanks to Bill Veal for going with me and ministering to this family. I could have gone alone but one of the things I am trying to learn about leadership is don't do things alone, take someone with you when you do ministry so the load is lighter and the joy is greater.
We have such a great opportunity all around us to make a difference. I find something new everyday that needs to be done for the Lord. God has chosen us to be in Piggott at this time to be his hands and feet. What a privilege! The happiest days of my life are when I am able to extend the love of Christ to those in need. If you want to join in on the blessings let me know that you are ready to go and serve and let's see what we can do. The holiday season is full of these kind of opportunities. Let's make sure we give the gift of God's Love to those all around us.
One of my favorite websites is check it out and see what you think. I would love to hear some of your favorite sites, leave me a comment.
We have such a great opportunity all around us to make a difference. I find something new everyday that needs to be done for the Lord. God has chosen us to be in Piggott at this time to be his hands and feet. What a privilege! The happiest days of my life are when I am able to extend the love of Christ to those in need. If you want to join in on the blessings let me know that you are ready to go and serve and let's see what we can do. The holiday season is full of these kind of opportunities. Let's make sure we give the gift of God's Love to those all around us.
One of my favorite websites is check it out and see what you think. I would love to hear some of your favorite sites, leave me a comment.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Follow me for 2 weeks
That's right for the next 2 weeks I am going to blog daily. The reason is I am trying to discipline myself in some other areas of my life and you can kind of be my accountability partners. I hope to share with you some interesting things over the next few weeks. I hope to introduce you to some of my mentors in the faith and give you something to think about.
One of the things I have been reading and studying about is how I can be a better leader at Emmanuel. I know that there is more in me that God is not getting I want to see what God can do through me. I have been doing much more reading and listening to other pastors and teachers that I respect so that I might learn something from them. I am beginning to understand that I don't have to know everything and it's o.k. to say I need help. Did I say that? HELP! My ultimate teacher is still the word of God and the Holy Spirit. I hope that over the next 2 weeks you will follow along with me and share with me what God does in your life and maybe share with me what God speaks to you.
Today I want to encourage you to check out and go to the potentialblog. there you will find some good stuff to start with. I look forward to sharing and hearing.
One of the things I have been reading and studying about is how I can be a better leader at Emmanuel. I know that there is more in me that God is not getting I want to see what God can do through me. I have been doing much more reading and listening to other pastors and teachers that I respect so that I might learn something from them. I am beginning to understand that I don't have to know everything and it's o.k. to say I need help. Did I say that? HELP! My ultimate teacher is still the word of God and the Holy Spirit. I hope that over the next 2 weeks you will follow along with me and share with me what God does in your life and maybe share with me what God speaks to you.
Today I want to encourage you to check out and go to the potentialblog. there you will find some good stuff to start with. I look forward to sharing and hearing.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Have a Great Day

Hi everyone today started out cloudy and rainy but that's just the weather on the outside that doesn't mean that today is a drury day. Make the most of opportunities today to turn someones cloudy day into a rainbow kind of day. You have the potential to change the course of someones day, look for that person and be a blessing to them today. It is so much fun to bring joy to a life, it makes you like Jesus because that's exactly what He does. He brings Joy when there is no Joy.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
What I've learned while away
I know it's been awhile since you last heard from me but I have really been trying to read and seek the Lord for direction in my life and the life of the church. I must say that this is an exciting time for me because I have a hunger to excel in the work that God has for me. I don't know about you but medocricy is such a downer, you don't even realize it and before long a year has gone by and you have done nothing and you don't even really care. The thing about being mediocre is that you are always better than someone else and you just don't hang around or listen to those who are doing better than you. You are just satisfied to exist. ENOUGH!!! I praise the Lord for those who are visionaries, those people like Jerry Falwell, Franklin Graham, Rick Warren, Joel Olsteen, Troy Gramling and my list could go on and on. What I appreciate is the fact that these men would not settle for mediocrity in the ministry. They have and are striving for excellence for the cause of Christ.
I am finding myself daily wanting more and more to be apart of something far more than just a good church. What I really desire is to be apart of a God size vision and work. Thanks to my dear friend Troy I am learning that I can't expect to be a part of this Great work tomorrow if I don't first execute and put out the effort for it to happen today. To summarize, I can no longer just show up on Sunday and expect results without preparing and executing all week. It still takes dedication to achieve excellence. It is dedication to our Lord and execution of daily chores that will move the hand of God to bless His church.
Piggott Arkansas needs a church that will attempt Great things, and show a lost world that their is a God who can still do the impossible. I pray that whoever reads this blog will pass it on to others and you will beging praying about joining the team of workers who will work together today so we can see the miracles of God tomorrow!
I love you Emmanuel!! Let's dream again, Let's fish again, Let's trade good for Great.
I am finding myself daily wanting more and more to be apart of something far more than just a good church. What I really desire is to be apart of a God size vision and work. Thanks to my dear friend Troy I am learning that I can't expect to be a part of this Great work tomorrow if I don't first execute and put out the effort for it to happen today. To summarize, I can no longer just show up on Sunday and expect results without preparing and executing all week. It still takes dedication to achieve excellence. It is dedication to our Lord and execution of daily chores that will move the hand of God to bless His church.
Piggott Arkansas needs a church that will attempt Great things, and show a lost world that their is a God who can still do the impossible. I pray that whoever reads this blog will pass it on to others and you will beging praying about joining the team of workers who will work together today so we can see the miracles of God tomorrow!
I love you Emmanuel!! Let's dream again, Let's fish again, Let's trade good for Great.
Monday, October 22, 2007
In Revival
Well if anybody is still checking this blog I want to let you know what's going on. I am in Salem, AR. I am leading worship at the First Baptist Church. Sunday was an Awesome service as a husband and wife both gave thier lives to Christ and was baptized that evening. I am really excited to be hear and have God speak to me personally. I am spending a lot of time seeking and listening. I just want to be used by God don't you. The great thing is God wants to use us. Keep me in your prayers as I seek to lead the worship this week. I love to worship so it's going to be a lot of fun. I am praying for Emmanuel all the time because I know He has a wonderful future for us in Piggott. I love you.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Road Trip.
Hey everyone, I am in Orlando, Florida with my good friend Troy. We have had a very interesting day. I arrived Sunday night in Ft. Lauderdale and our journey began. We spent the night down on the beach at a motel. It was really a nice plTTace, almost 20 years ago 2 of my friends and myself went to the same beach. I'm sure the people didn't recognize me because I have gained a little weight. The trip has been a lot of fun from the airplane ride to the 9 hour car ride today. One fun thing was that the lady I sat beside on the plane was married to a man who played football for the real coach of the Titans (Remember the Titans) She said the movie was pretty close to the real thing.
The reason we had to drive so long today was the fact that they shut down the main road because of a gunman on the loose. The detour took us another 5 hours due to the fact that we went about 4 miles in 4 hours. I don't guess we are in any hurry so no big deal. It is nice to be with an old friend but I wouldn't trade lives with him at all. They celebrated having over 8000 people at church over the weekend today. Big weekend.
Troy is an awesome leader and I am trying to just watch how he leads the church and try and learn what I can do to be a better leader and Pastor. You can follow me on the journey by going to it is a lot of fun. I miss all of you especially everyone in the Murray house and yard. I just want everyone of you to know how much I love you and enjoy being the pastor of Emmanuel. See ya tomorrow.
The reason we had to drive so long today was the fact that they shut down the main road because of a gunman on the loose. The detour took us another 5 hours due to the fact that we went about 4 miles in 4 hours. I don't guess we are in any hurry so no big deal. It is nice to be with an old friend but I wouldn't trade lives with him at all. They celebrated having over 8000 people at church over the weekend today. Big weekend.
Troy is an awesome leader and I am trying to just watch how he leads the church and try and learn what I can do to be a better leader and Pastor. You can follow me on the journey by going to it is a lot of fun. I miss all of you especially everyone in the Murray house and yard. I just want everyone of you to know how much I love you and enjoy being the pastor of Emmanuel. See ya tomorrow.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Teenager gives his life to Christ!
I don't know all the details but I just got an email this morning saying that one of our youth invited a friend to church yesterday and after the servie he gave his life to Christ. That is so Great News for me. I have to tell you that I left church a little disappointed in my presentation of God's word. So to hear that some one still got saved lets me know that it was definitely God who done the harvesting. God can do so much more than we can. I love what one of my prayer partners said, "God doesn't need us but He chooses to use us". I hope you want to be used by God this week. Way to go to Adam for inviting his friend to church, you never know what might happen. Hey it's Monday and we have got all week to serve Jesus, do it!
I am on my way to Mr. Rudy's to trim his hedges, pray that I don't mess them up. I'll let you know how it goes.
Live the Abundant Life!
I am on my way to Mr. Rudy's to trim his hedges, pray that I don't mess them up. I'll let you know how it goes.
Live the Abundant Life!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Great Night for AWANA!
Thank you to all the adults who helped make our AWANA kickoff a huge success. We had almost 100 kids sign up for AWANA. Isn't that GREAT that so many kids want to come to church and learn scriptures. I am excited and overwhelmed I am trying to lead this program and I must say I don't know a lot about AWANA. What I do know is that if we don't teach these kids the word of God now it may be to late by the time we get around to it. Would you please consider joining our team of workers that will be leading in our AWANA program.
Our Neighbor went to be with Jesus.
Well for those who may not know, our neighbor and friend Ms. Penny Bradshaw ended her long battle with cancer on Monday night and went to Heaven. Penny touched so many lives over the past few years with her never give up attitude and sweet spirit and desire to live. In the last days of her life all she did was praise the Lord for being so good to her. I am going to miss her attitude and zeal for life. She leaves behind big shoes to fill in the neighborhood. One of the sweetest notes I ever got was from Penny, she thanked us for never giving up on her and her husband. Praise the Lord that some day I'll see her again, but until then I'm gonna try to step into those shoes and make sure our neighborhood still has a zeal for life.
Visitation for Penny will be Thursday night at Hoggard and Sons Funeral home starting at 6p.m. and the funeral will be Friday at 11a.m..
Visitation for Penny will be Thursday night at Hoggard and Sons Funeral home starting at 6p.m. and the funeral will be Friday at 11a.m..
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Prayer Request.
Please pray for some friends of mine, (Darrell and Nancy) who live in Harrison, AR.
This wonderful family let me stay with them while I preached Revival at their church. They have a 7 year old grandaughter who was injured when an ATV fell over on her and fractured her skull. Please pray for God to heal this little girl who is in the hospital in Springfield, MO.
This wonderful family let me stay with them while I preached Revival at their church. They have a 7 year old grandaughter who was injured when an ATV fell over on her and fractured her skull. Please pray for God to heal this little girl who is in the hospital in Springfield, MO.
I am understanding more and more how important it is to focus on what we are doing. Have you ever been distracted? I am sure all of us have, it could be a cell phone to our ear that distracts us while driving or maybe a daydream about some tropical vacation while working. Whatever it is when we are distracted from what we are suppose to be doing accidents often happen. Car wrecks, poor workmanship, fail a test, etc. you get the point.
Starting this Sunday morning I will begin preaching for a few weeks on the theme "FOCUS". How long has it been since you really focused on your relationship with God. Isn't it easy to be distracted by the things of this world. No person ever sets out to get away from God after having been saved. Then why does happen so often? I honestly believe it's because we loose focus. Come this Sunday and focus on the cross wih me. Everything looks different when you view from the cross.
Starting this Sunday morning I will begin preaching for a few weeks on the theme "FOCUS". How long has it been since you really focused on your relationship with God. Isn't it easy to be distracted by the things of this world. No person ever sets out to get away from God after having been saved. Then why does happen so often? I honestly believe it's because we loose focus. Come this Sunday and focus on the cross wih me. Everything looks different when you view from the cross.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Way to go Jr. Mohawks!
I just got home from the football game it's about 10:30pm. It was a real good game for Tanner and the Jr. Mohawks. We beat Walnut Ridge 34-0 in our season opener. It's really hard for me to believe that we have a young man in the 9th grade. Sometimes when I see him on the field I can't believe he's that big. I'm trying to enjoy every minute of all our boys. Kids are sure a blessings from the Lord most of the time.
I know it's Labor Day weekend, I hope all of you have a great weekend wherever you are. Don't forget to be faithful and worship the Lord somewhere this weekend. Isn't it amazing how easy it easy to start new habits, keep that in mind the next time you think about missing a church service. For those of you who have to stay home this weekend we have a Great service planned for this Sunday. Come expecting God to be there.
I know it's Labor Day weekend, I hope all of you have a great weekend wherever you are. Don't forget to be faithful and worship the Lord somewhere this weekend. Isn't it amazing how easy it easy to start new habits, keep that in mind the next time you think about missing a church service. For those of you who have to stay home this weekend we have a Great service planned for this Sunday. Come expecting God to be there.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Been to a beauty Pageant.
That's right spent today going to a beauty pageant. Ms Dora Magee who will turn 102 next month was in a beauty pageant today in Jonesboro, AR. Ms. Dora was chosen to represent the Piggott Nursing Home in the District Pageant. She looked beautiful in her black dress with a gold floral pattern. I surprised her by being there and told her that anyone who looked as pretty as she did should have a male escort. (she grinned REAL big) I am so thankful to live in Piggott and get to enjoy life the way I do. God is so good to me and I try to thank Him every day.
Football season starts tomorrow night in Walnut Ridge as the Jr. Mohawks open the season. Kick off is at 7pm I think if you need me after 5pm come to Walnut Ridge or just give me a call 'cause I'll be at the game.
Football season starts tomorrow night in Walnut Ridge as the Jr. Mohawks open the season. Kick off is at 7pm I think if you need me after 5pm come to Walnut Ridge or just give me a call 'cause I'll be at the game.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Teenagers takeover Emmanuel
This weekend was exciting at Emmanuel. On Saturday night at 7pm about 85 teenagers moved in to the church. They spent the night worshiping, eating and just plain having fun. It was a great time for just about everyone. I didn't make it all night but I did stay until about 2:30a.m. Not bad for someone who had to work the next morning. I do want to say thank you very much to all the adults who put in many hours to make this all nighter such a huge success.
Today has been a good day as I got to visit with Ms. Dora Magee who will soon be 102 years old. On Wednesday she will be going to Jonesboro to represent Piggott in the district Nursing Center pageant. I hope to go and surprise her, unless she logs in and reads this blog. When I walked in to see her she was busy reading a good western. She is an amazing woman, please pray for her and her trip.
I do want to say that Tanner and his golf team won their first golf match of the season on Monday by defeating Corning. Tanner shot a one over par which is his best score ever. That was good enough to give him the top medalist honor. (lowest score of the day) Way to go Tanner.
Today has been a good day as I got to visit with Ms. Dora Magee who will soon be 102 years old. On Wednesday she will be going to Jonesboro to represent Piggott in the district Nursing Center pageant. I hope to go and surprise her, unless she logs in and reads this blog. When I walked in to see her she was busy reading a good western. She is an amazing woman, please pray for her and her trip.
I do want to say that Tanner and his golf team won their first golf match of the season on Monday by defeating Corning. Tanner shot a one over par which is his best score ever. That was good enough to give him the top medalist honor. (lowest score of the day) Way to go Tanner.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Cardinals win again!
Good morning everyone, I know it's not the spiritual news that maybe you were looking for but the Cardinals did win again last night and are still keeping our hopes alive for making the post season. I hope all of you are having a good day, if not just think about the promises that God makes in his word like I will never leave you nor forsake you, or maybe the one that says we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ our Lord. Life is to short to not enjoy it. I'm 40 and those years are gone but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna enjoy the next 40 (if I get that many) I am really looking for some people to help me enjoy the rest of my life, why not join me in starting right now TODAY! Come on let's enjoy life together whether the Cardinals make the playoffs or not, but if they do let's party at The Murray house
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Back to school!
That's right we are all back in school. Johnna and the boys are back in the swing of things and I'm getting there. I am still driving a school bus! Yesterday was a Great day. I drive the special needs school bus and one of my boys is in a wheel chair. Yesterday after I picked him up at his trailer house, two men from our church that desire to be unknown went out and built this young man a new wheel chair ramp. It is a deluxe model! AWESOME!!!!! When I pulled up to let him off the bus he was thrilled and said many times how thankful he was. I love the people at Emmanuel! You folks make life so much fun. Every time I think it can't get any better, it does. I want to be used by God just like Tom and Richard. Let's look for ways today to be used by God. Someone please tell me how God uses you today and I will try to do the same in tomorrows blog. It's not bragging on you, but God. Let me know what's going on in your world of ministry. By the way the boys parents were as excited as he was.
Tonight is Cowboy Church so please pray for us as we continue to stay faithful to the mission church. It starts at 7pm if you want to join us.
Tonight is Cowboy Church so please pray for us as we continue to stay faithful to the mission church. It starts at 7pm if you want to join us.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Home at last!

That's right the Murray family is back in town. After going to a Cardinal game on Wednesday night we arrived back in Piggott at about 2:30a.m. Thursday morning. It is so good to be home. I am looking forward to getting back in to a scheduled way of life. School starts in about a week, so then maybe things will get back to normal. We want to thank everyone who helped take care of things while we were gone. We love all of you and look forward to seeing you at church this Sunday. Please continue to pray for Mary Ellen, (her daughter was killed in a camping accident), Penny Bradshaw our neighbor who has cancer. I went over to see her today and she continues to be a blessing to me even in her sickness. Don't foget to thank God for all of the blessings God has given you today. Attitude is one of the keys to happy life, how's yours. Keep it positive and stay happy!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Headed Home.

Hey ya, we are on our way home from Colorado, but don't look for us to soon. We are taking our own sweet time leaving Colorado. Today was just awesome. We are still traveling with the Coomers and I don't have to tell you how Great they are. We left Grand Junction, Colorado this morning and went to what is called the Land of the Lakes. Words can't describe it, just think of the most beautiful, peaceful place and you'll be there. (about 10,000 ft elavation). After hiking and taking lots of pictures (yes I said hiking) we ended up driving to Breckinridge, Colorado which is a famous ski area but we found out its pretty popular in the summer. It really is amazing what all God made in just a few days. One of my high lights was listening to the Coomers sing a song about worshipping on the mountain. Big Blessing. The Murray's sang "How Great thou Art" with help from the Coomers. Big Blessing!!! As you probably know Tanners bball team lost all three games but we are still very proud of all of them. Thanks so much to all of you for your prayers and support. I haven't stop thanking the Lord for His incredible blessings. I preached about being thankful Sunday morning and now I'm trying to practice it. We are planning on driving all day tomorrow and find a resting spot before we drive on in to St. Louis on Wednesday to watch a Cardinal game before we head home to see our dog. I hope you enjoy hearing about our trip, the pictures are fun to share I hope they make you smile as much as they do me, if they don't I do understand. Maybe you could get a blog and share your vacation with me. I'd love to see it. If you decide not to blog just bring me some pictures.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Pictures from our trip

These are just a few pictures from Colorado. As many of you know by now we did pick up two hitchbikers in Lawrence Kansas, this is them. We were really hoping that because of that act of kindness that we might have some good things happen to us at the game, well we did learn a lesson after our 19-2 loss and that is don't do acts of kindness and expect to have something good happen to you. Just do them to be like Jesus!! We have really made some memories.
News from Colorado!

Well it's Friday night and we have had another GREAT DAY in Colorado, all except the ball game. I am sad to inform all of you but Tanners team got beat today 19 -2. We played Texas West and to say the least they were really good. As you can see Tanner was all smiles before the game and shortly after he was back to smiling. We are really proud of our boys and to say that this is the trip of a lifetime just doesn't seem enough. Something that has been fun to watch is how all the teams exchange pins and other items with each other. Just before the game against Texas, they came over and presented our boys with a gift from Texas, then they beat us and did so with class. We play again Saturday morning at 9am against the Oklahoma state champs and Sunday night at 8am against New Mexico. We have to win both games to make it any further in the tournament. We'll see what happens. Life is Good, temperature is GREAT!
Oh yea, tonight I saw some folks out grilling and I went over to ask them about getting a grill and found out that it was Leann Rimes band. They invited me to sit and visit so I did. It was pretty cool. Leann is staying on the 8th floor of our hotel so you know we ain't roughing it. I'm going to try to keep you posted daily keep us in your prayers please. Love all of you.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Blogging from Colorado!
It's 12:05a.m. and I am in Limon, Colorado. We got checked in to our motel after 16 hours on the road. We are on our way to Grand Junction, Colorado to watch Tanner play in the Regional baseball tournament. Many of you know but some may not, but Tanners baseball team won the 14 year old State Tournament and qualified to play in Colorado. We are proud of him and his entire team.
We really have had a great day. The boys have been GREAT. We are travelling with Brent, Karen, Spencer and Jordan Coomer. They are the finest of people. I do have a little story to tell that some of you will not find hard to believe. As we got into Lawrence, Kansas we stopped for gas and met a couple who needed a ride to Colorado. They had been traveling by bikes from North Carolina, our travelling partners and Johnna and myself got together and decided to help them out. The Coomers took the Murray boys and we took Nate and Jenna, our new friends. Have you ever picked up strangers and took them over 500miles, it is real interesting. We did share Jesus with them but they weren't sure what to think of it all. I tell you the story to ask you to pray for their safety and salvation.
It's late I have got to get to bed. We have 5 more hours to travel tommorrow, but we are going across the mountains and everyone says it is going to be something to see. Love all of you.
We really have had a great day. The boys have been GREAT. We are travelling with Brent, Karen, Spencer and Jordan Coomer. They are the finest of people. I do have a little story to tell that some of you will not find hard to believe. As we got into Lawrence, Kansas we stopped for gas and met a couple who needed a ride to Colorado. They had been traveling by bikes from North Carolina, our travelling partners and Johnna and myself got together and decided to help them out. The Coomers took the Murray boys and we took Nate and Jenna, our new friends. Have you ever picked up strangers and took them over 500miles, it is real interesting. We did share Jesus with them but they weren't sure what to think of it all. I tell you the story to ask you to pray for their safety and salvation.
It's late I have got to get to bed. We have 5 more hours to travel tommorrow, but we are going across the mountains and everyone says it is going to be something to see. Love all of you.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Murray's take some time off!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Cowboy Church BBQ
Hey everyone it's very early in the morning on the 4Th of July so I wanted to just say Happy 4Th of July to all of you. I am up late because I am just so excited about how Cowboy Church went last night. We had one of our bigger crowds (65) this summer. It is always great to see how many new people show up every week. Thanks to a couple in the church we were able to have a super fireworks show after church. Keep praying for us as we try to reach people in Missouri. The fellow in the picture is a super fellow who plays for us each week. He also gets there early every week and sets up for the service. His name Tom and he is wonderful servant of the Lord. God is good and sends us the people that we need at just the right time.
Ethan and I took a couple of horses to church and mine tried to buck. I was scared that I was going to end up like Wade Harris and I know everyone would have a lot to say about that. He didn't buck any more after that first little effort, but I did think about letting the horse stay saddled all night tied to the trailer. Ethan talked me out of doing it, so we just came home and dumped them out. We are going to ride today, I'll let you know how it goes.
God is so good! I hope all of you have a Great Day. If you don't have anything to do come by and see me I might be home.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Logan Graduated the 6th Grade!

This post is a little late but I wanted to post it. We are so proud of all three boys. Logan graduated in May in the top of his class. He takes after his mother in the area of life and we are very thankful. Life is such a blast raising boys. You never know what could happen next.
Just to let you know today was a Great day and I tried to live it to the max while I made visits, mowed yards and cleaned up stuff. What determines a Great Day is your attitude about it. So why not wake up tomorrow and determine in your heart that you are going to have a GREAT DAY! I recommend them to everybody. Help make someone's day Great by sharing your GReat attitude with them. You can make a difference, will you?
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Summer Update.

Going Going Gone.........that seems to be the theme of the summer for me. I seem to be gone to a ball game gone to church gone to a team roping and and oh yeah gone to church camp. What I really want to be is gone to the Lake! I can't wait to get my boat out of the shop (this week) and pack up the family for the lake. It will have to be after the baseball tournaments are over and vacation bible school is completed and we can't leave before parents night takes place but the week before children's camp looks like a great time to go and soak up some sun. Wow, I can't believe all the things that God is letting me be a part of. Life is so much fun! Enjoy it while you can. Fathers day is always special here's a picture of me and the boys on that day.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Summer Schedule changes everything.
Well it's been so long since I have been on I don't know what to tell you. I'll start by saying that I have been to several baseball games since the last time I posted a blog. School is out and summer has begun for us at the Murray home. We love the summer and we love hanging out and doing fun stuff. Tonight Ethan and myself went to Cowboy Church and stayed after and did a little horse training.
Most of you know but last week I was gone to youth church camp in Imboden, AR. It was a lot of fun! Kids had a great time. I am really thankful to be a part of a church that cares about students.
Oh yea, I forgot to tell you that we now have a 14 year old with a drivers permit, it all happened last Friday. Pray for us and our vehicles. Tanner really is a good drive and we are proud of him, way to go Tanner.
Most of you know but last week I was gone to youth church camp in Imboden, AR. It was a lot of fun! Kids had a great time. I am really thankful to be a part of a church that cares about students.
Oh yea, I forgot to tell you that we now have a 14 year old with a drivers permit, it all happened last Friday. Pray for us and our vehicles. Tanner really is a good drive and we are proud of him, way to go Tanner.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Hi Ya!
Well I guess I've turned into a weekly blogger. I don't know what has happened to me. Just to let you know everything is going just fine at the Murray home. All the boys are active in summer baseball and horse shows. It is really Great raising boys, they do bring us a lot of fun. Yes they do bring other things to like grey hair but at least I've still got most of it, but then again I do only have one teenager.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow, Ethan has his first big acting part in the 4Th grade play. He is going to be playing the role of a bully. He is really excited about his big opportunity to make it in show buiz. On Thursday night Logan will graduate from the 6Th grade. Next year we will have two boys in Junior High. (I can't be that old) Today was Tanner last day of school so he is looking forward to sleeping late. Johnna and I have until Friday before we are out of school, but look out after that the Murray's know how to enjoy the summer.
Well that let's you know about this week at the Murray's hope you will keep us all in your prayers.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow, Ethan has his first big acting part in the 4Th grade play. He is going to be playing the role of a bully. He is really excited about his big opportunity to make it in show buiz. On Thursday night Logan will graduate from the 6Th grade. Next year we will have two boys in Junior High. (I can't be that old) Today was Tanner last day of school so he is looking forward to sleeping late. Johnna and I have until Friday before we are out of school, but look out after that the Murray's know how to enjoy the summer.
Well that let's you know about this week at the Murray's hope you will keep us all in your prayers.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Fun Weekend.
Hey everyone hope you are all doing great today. We had a wonderful weekend at the Murray home. Friday night I went to the Rodeo on the Ridge and got to see one of our church members compete in the show. I had a blast of course. Johnna and Ethan spent the night together doing a little shopping. The boys had a baseball game but it was rained out. Saturday I watched Tanner and Logan play ball in Pocahontas. It was a great game, we won the game 2 to 1 over a team from Jonesboro. The boys played well and had a great attitude even though they both struggled a little at the plate. (that's home plate not dinner plate)
Mothers day I thought was very good. It started early for me as I prepared muffins for moms at the church. The boys got up early and gave Johnna her new digital camera and homemade cards and letters. She was impressed with their thoughtfulness. We have some good boys and I am proud of them. I really enjoyed Sunday services and I hope all of you did as well. Talk to all of you later. Love you!
Mothers day I thought was very good. It started early for me as I prepared muffins for moms at the church. The boys got up early and gave Johnna her new digital camera and homemade cards and letters. She was impressed with their thoughtfulness. We have some good boys and I am proud of them. I really enjoyed Sunday services and I hope all of you did as well. Talk to all of you later. Love you!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Revival Services were Great!
Well I just finished preaching a revival at the New Haven Baptist Church in Paragould, AR. I started on Sunday morning and finished on Wednesday night. It is a wonderful congregation. We had several folks make decisions. I just love preaching at churches who seem hungry for the word of God. I wish we had more churches with an appetite for God's word.
I am gonna be brief tonight because I am tired. I'm sorry about the inconsistency in my blog but it just seems like I haven't had time to sit down and type lately. Don't forget to cheer for the St. Louis Cardinals they need our help.
I am gonna be brief tonight because I am tired. I'm sorry about the inconsistency in my blog but it just seems like I haven't had time to sit down and type lately. Don't forget to cheer for the St. Louis Cardinals they need our help.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Hello everybody!
Hey I'm back to blogging. Just want to say Hello this morning. I want to ask you to pray for me today because I am really wanting God to speak to me and give me direction. I know God is doing some really wonderful things around us and I just want to be a part of what God is doing. Let's keep our eyes open and watch where God is working and join Him. I think so many times I think I have to dream up something to do but God is already at work I just have to find out where and join in on the fun. Serving God and others is FUN. Let's keep our Church a FUN church.
Don't forget to meet at the courthouse on Thursday at 12:20 for prayer.
Don't forget to meet at the courthouse on Thursday at 12:20 for prayer.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Be Positive it's contagious.
This morning I just want to encourage all of you to be positive. I love it when I meet people with a bright outlook on life. So many waste so much time dwelling on the negative instead of focusing on the Positive. I promise you that everyone reading this blog has so much to be positive about. Just think of all the people who can't read it because they don't have a computer. The list goes on and on of the things to be positive about. People amaze me at how some can be so positive and some so negative. I often wonder what makes the difference, I would love to say that it's Jesus but unfortunately not all Christians are people I would consider to have good attitudes. I want to encourage all of you this morning to think about the people that you could effect in a positive way just by having a positive outlook on things. Take time today and encourage someone who may be feeling a little down. Nothing brightens my day like being used by God to brighten some other persons day. You can do it!
I think I'm going to visit a few people in the hospital and nursing home today. Have a Great Day.
I think I'm going to visit a few people in the hospital and nursing home today. Have a Great Day.
Worked on the remodeling today.
Well my hands are a little sore from using a shovel on Tuesday. Roger Wegel and myself hooked up the plumbing for the new bathroom at our house. I wasn't much help but I did learn that a big part of plumbing is using a shovel. Roger was wonderful, he is such a servant. The project is taking a little longer than I thought but it will be done one of these days and when it is it will be very nice. I appreciate all that has been done by everyone who has worked on the new addition.
Baseball has just about taken over the Murray house. All 3 of the boys have started their baseball season and I am proud of all of them. Tanner and Logan both played over the weekend and done well. Ethan missed his game last night because he wanted to go with me to Cowboy Church. I am so thankful to have such active boys, it can be a little hectic at times but I wouldn't trade it for nothing.
Cowboy Church was so wonderful last night. We had 55 in attendance and everything went GReat. I would love to see more people coming but you would just have to be there to understand what kind of spirit we have in that place. The worship just seems to get better each week. Please keep us in your prayers.
Pray for me as I continue to be obedient to the Lord in all that I do. Love ya.
Baseball has just about taken over the Murray house. All 3 of the boys have started their baseball season and I am proud of all of them. Tanner and Logan both played over the weekend and done well. Ethan missed his game last night because he wanted to go with me to Cowboy Church. I am so thankful to have such active boys, it can be a little hectic at times but I wouldn't trade it for nothing.
Cowboy Church was so wonderful last night. We had 55 in attendance and everything went GReat. I would love to see more people coming but you would just have to be there to understand what kind of spirit we have in that place. The worship just seems to get better each week. Please keep us in your prayers.
Pray for me as I continue to be obedient to the Lord in all that I do. Love ya.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Great time in Harrison, but Great to be home.
Hey everyone I'm sorry for not blogging much lately but I just haven't taken the time to sit down at the computer much lately. I got back from Harrison on Friday morning about 1 a.m. and feels like I have been going ever since. This weekend was filled with ballgames. The Murray boys had 7 baseball games on Saturday. Tanners team finished the day with 2 wins and 1 loss while Logans team finished with 3 wins and 1 loss. Ethan didn't have a ball game but he did go to a horseshow and he finished 1st in the barrael race and 2nd in the barrael pick up and placed in a couple other events. So it was a busy but fun Saturday for us. I love being a dad.
Sunday was wonderful, we had a Great day at church. We had a youth make his decision to trust Christ public and wants to be baptized. It was great to see everyone after being gone for a week. I love preaching revivals but I really miss our church when I'm gone. Sunday night our church decided to buy a new church van. We will be picking it up tomorrow. Praise the Lord.
Well the boys are gone with the youth to a Newsboys and Kutless concert in Poplar Bluff so I think I'll sneak back to the xbox while they are gone. I hope all of you have a great week. I hope to back on a regular basis this week. Stay in touch.
Sunday was wonderful, we had a Great day at church. We had a youth make his decision to trust Christ public and wants to be baptized. It was great to see everyone after being gone for a week. I love preaching revivals but I really miss our church when I'm gone. Sunday night our church decided to buy a new church van. We will be picking it up tomorrow. Praise the Lord.
Well the boys are gone with the youth to a Newsboys and Kutless concert in Poplar Bluff so I think I'll sneak back to the xbox while they are gone. I hope all of you have a great week. I hope to back on a regular basis this week. Stay in touch.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Back in the hills of Harrison.
Good morning everyone. I sure hope everyone is doing good today. I made it back to Harrison yesterday about 5:30. We had another real good service last night. I'm sad to say that we haven't seen anyone come to know the Lord during the Revival but we will keep preaching and inviting so please pray for me.
Today I am going to be going to a couple of cow sales with Doug Nortons brother. I am really looking forward to spending the day with him and learning more about the cattle business. I know that might not excite you but I just love being around livestock. Isn't it amazing how different God made all of us. The weather is a little wet here but I think it's suppose to clear off tomorrow. It really is beautiful around here. Gotta go to the cow sale, see ya later.
Today I am going to be going to a couple of cow sales with Doug Nortons brother. I am really looking forward to spending the day with him and learning more about the cattle business. I know that might not excite you but I just love being around livestock. Isn't it amazing how different God made all of us. The weather is a little wet here but I think it's suppose to clear off tomorrow. It really is beautiful around here. Gotta go to the cow sale, see ya later.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Home for a little while.
That's right I'm in Piggott but only for a few hours. I had to come home and take care of a few things and then I'll be leaving again. I just got (1 am Tuesday morning) and thought that I would wind down by sharing with you how the day went. It was a beautiful day in Harrison. The sun was shinning all day. It felt really good to get out and take a walk and get some exercise. Walking in Harrison is a little different than Piggott because of all the hills. I was wondering if I was going to make it back to the house. While I was walking I met a fellow who had moved to Harrison from California. Phil was a super fellow I ended up helping him all afternoon haul off a large pine tree that he had cut down. I love meeting new people and I really love helping people. I felt really good about the day.
Our Revival service went good. We didn't have as many people on Monday but we are praying for the church to be full tonight. I am going to be playing my guitar and singing tonight so please pray that God would use my gifts to glorify Jesus and draw some one to be born again. I am praying for someone to be saved I have a young man in mind and I am going to get to spend some time talking to him on Thursday I hope.
Harrison is a good place for a Cowboy like me to do some shopping. They have a tractor supply store, 3 farm center stores and 2 western stores to choose from. Today I was on the lookout for some new boots and after a few hours of shopping and bargain hunting I finally found them. I had to go in the store 3 times before I bought them, but the 3rd time was charm. I saved ten dollars on them by shopping around. See there it does pay to not get in a hurry.
Well I am starting to get a little sleepy so I better go get a few hours sleep before I get up and drive the school bus. I'll be leaving for Harrison around lunch time so keep me in your prayers. By the way the little white truck is doing great, over 24 miles per gallon and didn't use any oil. It also came in handy hauling off that pine tree. What is it that you have that you are thankful for. Tell God.
Our Revival service went good. We didn't have as many people on Monday but we are praying for the church to be full tonight. I am going to be playing my guitar and singing tonight so please pray that God would use my gifts to glorify Jesus and draw some one to be born again. I am praying for someone to be saved I have a young man in mind and I am going to get to spend some time talking to him on Thursday I hope.
Harrison is a good place for a Cowboy like me to do some shopping. They have a tractor supply store, 3 farm center stores and 2 western stores to choose from. Today I was on the lookout for some new boots and after a few hours of shopping and bargain hunting I finally found them. I had to go in the store 3 times before I bought them, but the 3rd time was charm. I saved ten dollars on them by shopping around. See there it does pay to not get in a hurry.
Well I am starting to get a little sleepy so I better go get a few hours sleep before I get up and drive the school bus. I'll be leaving for Harrison around lunch time so keep me in your prayers. By the way the little white truck is doing great, over 24 miles per gallon and didn't use any oil. It also came in handy hauling off that pine tree. What is it that you have that you are thankful for. Tell God.
Monday, April 16, 2007
I'm in Harrison, AR.
That's right as you read this blog I am in the hills of Arkansas. I started preaching a revival last night at the Woodland Hills Baptist Church in Harrison, AR. We had a wonderful service with lots of people and a wonderful spirit. This is my 2nd time to be with this church. They have a wonderful church family. I am staying with one of the families in the church. I am already missing home but I will be traveling home tonight after the services to do some business back home tomorrow. (pay my taxes) Please keep us in your prayers.
I really enjoy our services at Emmanuel on Sunday morning. It just seems to me that God is doing some Great things in several families at this time. I am so excited about the 6 people that we will be baptizing when I get home. Please keep praying for our church and me!
I am going to spend some time this morning and take a little walk and talk to the Lord. I look forward to hearing from God. I hope that all of you will do the same. You may not have the time or the energy for a walk, but I do hope that you will make an effort to seek the Lord. God wants a daily relationship with us not just a once a week friendship.
Please pray for Johnna and the boys while I am away. When I'm gone that's one less taxi driver and all three boys have a baseball game tonight in different places. Thankful we have many friends. I hope all three of you boys have a Great Game, I love all of you and I'll see you soon.
I can't leave without saying something about Jackie Robinson. I love baseball and I just want to say that I do believe that the game of baseball is better today because of his great sacrifice. I don't think any of us can really understand the mess that Jackie Robinson endured just to play baseball. I hope that everyone that reads this blog understands that God doesn't look at the outside of a man He looks to the inside. Don't be like many others in our country and draw lines of separation just because of color. There is no place in the church for this kind of action. Thank you Jackie Robinson.
I really enjoy our services at Emmanuel on Sunday morning. It just seems to me that God is doing some Great things in several families at this time. I am so excited about the 6 people that we will be baptizing when I get home. Please keep praying for our church and me!
I am going to spend some time this morning and take a little walk and talk to the Lord. I look forward to hearing from God. I hope that all of you will do the same. You may not have the time or the energy for a walk, but I do hope that you will make an effort to seek the Lord. God wants a daily relationship with us not just a once a week friendship.
Please pray for Johnna and the boys while I am away. When I'm gone that's one less taxi driver and all three boys have a baseball game tonight in different places. Thankful we have many friends. I hope all three of you boys have a Great Game, I love all of you and I'll see you soon.
I can't leave without saying something about Jackie Robinson. I love baseball and I just want to say that I do believe that the game of baseball is better today because of his great sacrifice. I don't think any of us can really understand the mess that Jackie Robinson endured just to play baseball. I hope that everyone that reads this blog understands that God doesn't look at the outside of a man He looks to the inside. Don't be like many others in our country and draw lines of separation just because of color. There is no place in the church for this kind of action. Thank you Jackie Robinson.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Praise the Lord and Play Ball!!

Tom Woolery called yesterday with some more good news that one of the teenagers in the church had trusted Jesus as his Savior. Praise the Lord. This has really been a good week, we are all so blessed. I don't know about you but Johnna and I have been talking and we believe that God is truly up to something great in our church. I am so excited that the baptistery is getting to be used again and again. Keep praying for our community, school, and churches.
I'll be leaving Sunday afternoon to go to Harrison, AR to preach a revival. I was there a year ago when the tornado went thru Marmaduke. It is a good church so pray for me to be used by God. I'll stay in touch with you, love all of you. Have fun this weekend by coming to Emmanuel, I'll see you there.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Jesus Saves!
Tuesday night was Cowboy Church and we had another wonderful crowd of about 60 folks. We enjoyed some good old gospel music and then opened up the bible and heard from the Lord. It is so encouraging to go to Cowboy Church. So many of those people are just hungry for the Lord. Please keep us in your prayers as we now have 2 men who need to be baptized. They are both growing in the Lord. Last night I drove to Doniphan, MO to visit with a family who came last week and they don't have a relationship with Christ. Please keep this family in your prayers and I'll keep you up to date on what happens. I want to say thanks to the people from Emmanuel who have been so faithful to come and help in this new church start.
Well tonight we are suppose to have our first baseball game and Ethan is excited. That's right I said Ethan. He has been practicing and working hard at improving his skills and it looks like he is going to be one of our pitchers and he can't wait. Landon Williams is on the same team and they are so fun to watch. Tanner and Logan have already played a few games and they have both done well. They play on a usssa baseball team together and then they both play on separate league teams. Tanner has been playing 3rd base, catcher and pitcher. Logan is a utility player on the infield he plays both shortstop and 2nd base. Logan has been playing on the 14yr old team which has been a little intimidating for him but he is doing fine. Well I better go talk to all of you hopefully tomorrow. Have a great day and I'll tell you about the big game tomorrow.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Let's have Easter every Sunday!
It was an incredible weekend at Emmanuel! Let me begin by saying Thank you to all the volunteers who helped make Easter Weekend so GREAT. You know who you are I can't name everybody but if it wasn't for you folks we would not have the church that we have. Everybody wants to belong to a Great church but it takes Great people to make a Great Church. I know what some of you are thinking, no it takes a Great God to make a Great Church, I agree with you but that Great God chooses to work through people and here at Emmanuel God is working through some people and making them GREAT! I love you and I am so happy to do ministry with you.
For those of you who don't know what happened over the weekend I'll just catch you up on the numbers. We had our annual Easter Celebration on Saturday at Heritage Park and it was windy and cold but the people still came. It is so hard to know how many people came but I'll just say we gave away hundreds of hot dogs, soda, and cotton candy. The kids seemed to have a wonderful time on all the rides and playing all the games. It was cold but Great. We gave away 12 big Easter baskets and 6 wal-mart gift cards worth $65. We had some happy boys and girls!
Easter Sunday morning was something to see. When we built this church I just knew that it would be full of people someday and on Easter Sunday it was full to capacity! We had over 550 people attend our morning worship service and it was something to see. It got better, we had 5 people join the church and one young man give his life to Christ. PRAISE THE LORD!
Sunday night we showed the movie "Facing The Giants" and we had close to 300 people attend the movie. It was so much fun, we had our own concession stand filled with popcorn, soda, nerd ropes and sweetarts. Brent and Misti Sanders concluded the night with a testimony of God's faithfulness. It was so much fun! Isn't it Great that I have used the word Great so much to describe church. I am so thankful to be a part of Emmanuel !
I know that Easter only comes once a week but I am already looking forward to next Sunday.
I hope that you and your family are just excited about Sunday as I am. It doesn't matter if you go to Emmanuel or Flamingo Road Sunday is coming and I can't wait!
For those of you who don't know what happened over the weekend I'll just catch you up on the numbers. We had our annual Easter Celebration on Saturday at Heritage Park and it was windy and cold but the people still came. It is so hard to know how many people came but I'll just say we gave away hundreds of hot dogs, soda, and cotton candy. The kids seemed to have a wonderful time on all the rides and playing all the games. It was cold but Great. We gave away 12 big Easter baskets and 6 wal-mart gift cards worth $65. We had some happy boys and girls!
Easter Sunday morning was something to see. When we built this church I just knew that it would be full of people someday and on Easter Sunday it was full to capacity! We had over 550 people attend our morning worship service and it was something to see. It got better, we had 5 people join the church and one young man give his life to Christ. PRAISE THE LORD!
Sunday night we showed the movie "Facing The Giants" and we had close to 300 people attend the movie. It was so much fun, we had our own concession stand filled with popcorn, soda, nerd ropes and sweetarts. Brent and Misti Sanders concluded the night with a testimony of God's faithfulness. It was so much fun! Isn't it Great that I have used the word Great so much to describe church. I am so thankful to be a part of Emmanuel !
I know that Easter only comes once a week but I am already looking forward to next Sunday.
I hope that you and your family are just excited about Sunday as I am. It doesn't matter if you go to Emmanuel or Flamingo Road Sunday is coming and I can't wait!
Friday, April 6, 2007
Good Friday.
Hey everyone it's Friday but Sunday is coming! This week I read something that is so Awesome I'm going to share it with you. Before I share that with you I want you to hear what another preacher said this week that really challenged me. He said that we should live like we have a BIG God. Isn't that true. We have a God who rose from the dead there is nothing our God can not do. Let's not live in doubt and defeat, let's live a life of victory. Whatever it is that has you down remember you have a BIG GOD!
Friday, April 14, 2006
It's Friday. But Sunday's a Coming!
Some things are so good, I would give almost anything to have been the one who said it. But I didn't. It's still far too good not to share.
Dr. Tony Campolo tells the story of a little preaching competition that he had with his pastor during services at the church where he attends. Dr. Campolo tells how he preached the perfect sermon, perfect in every way. He had taken the congregation to the heights of glory. And as he sat down beside his pastor, Dr. Campolo patted him on the knee and simply said, "Top that." The older black pastor looked at him and said, "Boy, watch the master."
It was a simple sermon, starting softly, building in volume and intensity until the entire congregation was completely involved, repeating the phrases in unison. The sermon went something like this.
It's Friday. Jesus is arrested in the garden where He was praying. But Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. The disciples are hiding and Peter's denying that he knows the Lord. But Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. Jesus is standing before the high priest of Israel, silent as a lamb before the slaughter. But Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. Jesus is beaten, mocked, and spit upon. But Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. Those Roman soldiers are flogging our Lord with a leather scourge that has bits of bones and glass and metal, tearing at his flesh. But Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. The Son of man stands firm as they press the crown of thorns down into his brow. But Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. See Him walking to Calvary, the blood dripping from His body. See the cross crashing down on His back as He stumbles beneath the load. It's Friday; but Sunday's a coming.
It's Friday. See those Roman soldiers driving the nails into the feet and hands of my Lord. Hear my Jesus cry, "Father, forgive them." It's Friday; but Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. Jesus is hanging on the cross, bloody and dying. But Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. The sky grows dark, the earth begins to tremble, and He who knew no sin became sin for us. Holy God who will not abide with sin pours out His wrath on that perfect sacrificial lamb who cries out, "My God, My God. Why hast thou forsaken me?" What a horrible cry. But Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. And at the moment of Jesus' death, the veil of the Temple that separates sinful man from Holy God was torn from the top to the bottom because Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. Jesus is hanging on the cross, heaven is weeping and hell is partying. But that's because it's Friday, and they don't know it, but Sunday's a coming.
And on that horrible day 2000 years ago, Jesus the Christ, the Lord of glory, the only begotten Son of God, the only perfect man died on the cross of Calvary. Satan thought that he had won the victory. Surely he had destroyed the Son of God. Finally he had disproved the prophecy God had uttered in the Garden and the one who was to crush his head had been destroyed. But that was Friday.
Now it's Sunday. And just about dawn on that first day of the week, there was a great earthquake. But that wasn't the only thing that was shaking because now it's Sunday. And the angel of the Lord is coming down out of heaven and rolling the stone away from the door of the tomb. Yes, it's Sunday, and the angel of the Lord is sitting on that stone and the guards posted at the tomb to keep the body from disappearing were shaking in their boots because it's Sunday, and the lamb that was silent before the slaughter is now the resurrected lion from the tribe of Judah, for He is not here, the angel says. He is risen indeed.
It's Sunday, and the crucified/resurrected Christ has defeated death, hell, sin and the grave. It's Sunday. And now everything has changed. It's the age of grace, God's grace poured out on all who would look to that crucified lamb of Calvary. Grace freely given to all who would believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross of Calvary was buried and rose again. All because it's Sunday.
Don't forget it's Friday and we are having a Good Friday service tonight at Hitts Chapel at 6:00!
Friday, April 14, 2006
It's Friday. But Sunday's a Coming!
Some things are so good, I would give almost anything to have been the one who said it. But I didn't. It's still far too good not to share.
Dr. Tony Campolo tells the story of a little preaching competition that he had with his pastor during services at the church where he attends. Dr. Campolo tells how he preached the perfect sermon, perfect in every way. He had taken the congregation to the heights of glory. And as he sat down beside his pastor, Dr. Campolo patted him on the knee and simply said, "Top that." The older black pastor looked at him and said, "Boy, watch the master."
It was a simple sermon, starting softly, building in volume and intensity until the entire congregation was completely involved, repeating the phrases in unison. The sermon went something like this.
It's Friday. Jesus is arrested in the garden where He was praying. But Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. The disciples are hiding and Peter's denying that he knows the Lord. But Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. Jesus is standing before the high priest of Israel, silent as a lamb before the slaughter. But Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. Jesus is beaten, mocked, and spit upon. But Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. Those Roman soldiers are flogging our Lord with a leather scourge that has bits of bones and glass and metal, tearing at his flesh. But Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. The Son of man stands firm as they press the crown of thorns down into his brow. But Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. See Him walking to Calvary, the blood dripping from His body. See the cross crashing down on His back as He stumbles beneath the load. It's Friday; but Sunday's a coming.
It's Friday. See those Roman soldiers driving the nails into the feet and hands of my Lord. Hear my Jesus cry, "Father, forgive them." It's Friday; but Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. Jesus is hanging on the cross, bloody and dying. But Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. The sky grows dark, the earth begins to tremble, and He who knew no sin became sin for us. Holy God who will not abide with sin pours out His wrath on that perfect sacrificial lamb who cries out, "My God, My God. Why hast thou forsaken me?" What a horrible cry. But Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. And at the moment of Jesus' death, the veil of the Temple that separates sinful man from Holy God was torn from the top to the bottom because Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. Jesus is hanging on the cross, heaven is weeping and hell is partying. But that's because it's Friday, and they don't know it, but Sunday's a coming.
And on that horrible day 2000 years ago, Jesus the Christ, the Lord of glory, the only begotten Son of God, the only perfect man died on the cross of Calvary. Satan thought that he had won the victory. Surely he had destroyed the Son of God. Finally he had disproved the prophecy God had uttered in the Garden and the one who was to crush his head had been destroyed. But that was Friday.
Now it's Sunday. And just about dawn on that first day of the week, there was a great earthquake. But that wasn't the only thing that was shaking because now it's Sunday. And the angel of the Lord is coming down out of heaven and rolling the stone away from the door of the tomb. Yes, it's Sunday, and the angel of the Lord is sitting on that stone and the guards posted at the tomb to keep the body from disappearing were shaking in their boots because it's Sunday, and the lamb that was silent before the slaughter is now the resurrected lion from the tribe of Judah, for He is not here, the angel says. He is risen indeed.
It's Sunday, and the crucified/resurrected Christ has defeated death, hell, sin and the grave. It's Sunday. And now everything has changed. It's the age of grace, God's grace poured out on all who would look to that crucified lamb of Calvary. Grace freely given to all who would believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross of Calvary was buried and rose again. All because it's Sunday.
Don't forget it's Friday and we are having a Good Friday service tonight at Hitts Chapel at 6:00!
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Easter Service
We had 55 folks at Cowboy Church for our Easter Service last night. It was a wonderful service. We had a family at the service who had not been in church in years. The neat thing is that their son is the one who brought them. It was so great to see God work in this family. Out of the 55 people 44 of them didn't come from Emmanuel or Cape County. Isn't that great 44 people who have chosen to make Thousand Hills Cowboy Church home. I am encouraged every week by what God does. I am praying for people to be saved and I am going to be faithful until it happens. Keep praying for us as we serve every Tuesday in Poplar Bluff.
Today was also another trip to Jonesboro. Logan had to see the orthodontist. While in Jonesboro we visited the hospital and prayed with June Morris. Please keep Ms Morris in your prayers they have found what they call a hot spot on her back and they are going to do some more test on her tomorrow. She is the mother of Kathy Ballard from our church.
All in all it has been a wonderful day, when you find double cheeseburgers for a dollar at Mcd's it's a good day. I hope that all of you are still looking forward to Sunday. Don't forget to bring your family and friends this Sunday. Love all of you, send me some comments I love hearing from you, tell me a little of what's happening to you.
Today was also another trip to Jonesboro. Logan had to see the orthodontist. While in Jonesboro we visited the hospital and prayed with June Morris. Please keep Ms Morris in your prayers they have found what they call a hot spot on her back and they are going to do some more test on her tomorrow. She is the mother of Kathy Ballard from our church.
All in all it has been a wonderful day, when you find double cheeseburgers for a dollar at Mcd's it's a good day. I hope that all of you are still looking forward to Sunday. Don't forget to bring your family and friends this Sunday. Love all of you, send me some comments I love hearing from you, tell me a little of what's happening to you.
Monday, April 2, 2007
It's gonna be a busy week!
Let the fun begin! Tonight I am going to Corning FBC to an evangelism rally and I want some people to go with me. I'll be leaving the church at 5:30 so come and join me for a fun and encouraging night with other people who have a heart for the lost.
Hey we are just 1 day away from our first Easter service. That's right tomorrow night in Poplar Bluff we will have our first Easter service at the Cowboy Church. It all starts at 7pm and it's friend and family night. I have already heard from some of the folks that they are expecting a lot of people. Why not come and join in on the fun and just see what God does at the service. Pray for us as we hope to see many people give their lives to Christ. Come expecting a blessing.
Hey take a look at the schedule for the rest of the week:
Wednesday : 250 high school seniors will be on our campus for a financial planning seminar
Friday: Good Friday service at Hitts Chapel and I will be the speaker, please come
Saturday: Easter Celebration at Heritage Park 10 - 1 Food and Clothing Ministry at the church 1 -4
Sunday: Easter Service at 10am Don't miss it!
This week has so much potential for GReatness it's scary. In order for us to reach our potential we need everyone to pitch in and help. Would you consider doing your part so that we can have the Greatest Easter Week we have ever had. If you don't know what to do call the office (870 598 5128) and we will help you find something to do. Don't forget to INVITE someone to come with you to our Easter Service. I can't wait to get started so let's go to work.
Hey we are just 1 day away from our first Easter service. That's right tomorrow night in Poplar Bluff we will have our first Easter service at the Cowboy Church. It all starts at 7pm and it's friend and family night. I have already heard from some of the folks that they are expecting a lot of people. Why not come and join in on the fun and just see what God does at the service. Pray for us as we hope to see many people give their lives to Christ. Come expecting a blessing.
Hey take a look at the schedule for the rest of the week:
Wednesday : 250 high school seniors will be on our campus for a financial planning seminar
Friday: Good Friday service at Hitts Chapel and I will be the speaker, please come
Saturday: Easter Celebration at Heritage Park 10 - 1 Food and Clothing Ministry at the church 1 -4
Sunday: Easter Service at 10am Don't miss it!
This week has so much potential for GReatness it's scary. In order for us to reach our potential we need everyone to pitch in and help. Would you consider doing your part so that we can have the Greatest Easter Week we have ever had. If you don't know what to do call the office (870 598 5128) and we will help you find something to do. Don't forget to INVITE someone to come with you to our Easter Service. I can't wait to get started so let's go to work.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Cowboy Church Trail Ride
Today we had our first Cowboy Church get together. We had 24 people show up for a morning trail ride just outside Poplar Bluff. It was a lot of fun, we had us a little picnic around noon and then the rain set in. We had a few people who hadn't been to church but they showed up to ride and that's what we wanted. I also think that we are real close to having our first Baptism. We have a young man coming who has been saved but not baptized yet. Pray for him to follow the Lord and be baptized. It was really an exciting day to see some of the folks take ownership in the church and start reaching out to others. Thank you Emmanuel for starting this brand new ministry, God is gonna bless both of these churches.
I am really looking forward to tomorrows service. We will be taking the Lord's supper so please don't miss this very special time to remember and praise the Lord for what He has done for us.
I am really looking forward to tomorrows service. We will be taking the Lord's supper so please don't miss this very special time to remember and praise the Lord for what He has done for us.
- I look forward to seeing you all at church!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Hot Rolls!!!!
Let me tell you about Thursday! That's right it started at Hardee's with Rudy and Ethan. Yes Ethan, he wanted to go see what all the excitement was about. I think Rudy was glad to see him, he told Ethan he would be old some day and maybe some young boy would come eat breakfast with him. I love life and I love starting my day off with my Lord and Rudy and this morning I even got to start it with one of my boys. How about this weather! We had to break out the shorts on Thursday. It was a busy day around the house, we cleaned vehicles, mowed the neighbors (2) yard, (Penny Bradshaw, we love her a bunch) washed the house, cleaned the driveway, washed clothes, folded clothes, cleaned the bathroom, you get the point. It was a Great day and the night got even better.
I was asked to preach Thursday night at the Cape County Cowboy Church because the pastors mom had passed away. It is always a privilege to worship with those wonderful folks. Me and Logan and Ethan left Piggott about 3pm and headed that way. Along the way we made a detour in Sikeston at Lambert's restaurant. Need I say any more. Hot Rolls get your Hot rolls. I understand why they call them hot rolls, because after you eat a few you have to be rolled out of there. We enjoyed it so much, it great to have some time with boys and watch them have fun. By the way we were 6 for 6 with no errors. (no dropped rolls)
Cowboy Church was Great they had over 250 people at the service. The music was incredible as always. Every time I go I think to myself it is worth a 2 hour drive one way to go to this service. The boys said I did a good job, Logan told me after the service "I think they really liked you dad" now that's some encouragement.
Well it's Friday and Spring Break is almost over but that's o.k. because we have so much to look forward to. This Sunday we will be taking the Lord's Supper during the morning service and I am really looking forward to remembering the death of Christ. I know that you are, but we should never stop thanking God for the extreme sacrifice that He made for our sins. As we prepare to take the Lord's Supper begin now examining your heart and cleansing it so that when you do take the Lord's Supper you will be taking it with a pure heart. It's the only way to take it biblically. Seek God's forgiveness for the sin that may be in your life and turn from it.
Life is so good, and it's even better when you share it with friends, thanks for being my friend, love all of ya!
I was asked to preach Thursday night at the Cape County Cowboy Church because the pastors mom had passed away. It is always a privilege to worship with those wonderful folks. Me and Logan and Ethan left Piggott about 3pm and headed that way. Along the way we made a detour in Sikeston at Lambert's restaurant. Need I say any more. Hot Rolls get your Hot rolls. I understand why they call them hot rolls, because after you eat a few you have to be rolled out of there. We enjoyed it so much, it great to have some time with boys and watch them have fun. By the way we were 6 for 6 with no errors. (no dropped rolls)
Cowboy Church was Great they had over 250 people at the service. The music was incredible as always. Every time I go I think to myself it is worth a 2 hour drive one way to go to this service. The boys said I did a good job, Logan told me after the service "I think they really liked you dad" now that's some encouragement.
Well it's Friday and Spring Break is almost over but that's o.k. because we have so much to look forward to. This Sunday we will be taking the Lord's Supper during the morning service and I am really looking forward to remembering the death of Christ. I know that you are, but we should never stop thanking God for the extreme sacrifice that He made for our sins. As we prepare to take the Lord's Supper begin now examining your heart and cleansing it so that when you do take the Lord's Supper you will be taking it with a pure heart. It's the only way to take it biblically. Seek God's forgiveness for the sin that may be in your life and turn from it.
Life is so good, and it's even better when you share it with friends, thanks for being my friend, love all of ya!
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