I want to hear from you. If you would leave me a comment and tell me about your most memorable Christmas. I promise not to tell your story to the church without your permission. If you would rather e-mail me you can send it to kevin@eblovesyou.com
I hope all of you are having a Great day. My day started out with a phone call from a church member who encouraged me. Words are so powerful. They can lift you up or tear you down, I hope that you will use your lips to speak words of encouragement to someone today. You can change the course of someones day by just saying something nice. Try it!
The week looks busy pray for me. I am the chaplain at the hospital this week, so I get to "make rounds" sounds important. Tonight is Cowboy Church in Poplar Bluff, tomorrow is nursing home ministry, bible study and AWANAS. Keep all of our ministries in your prayers as God works thru all of our volunteers. Thank you to everyone who makes things happen around our church. I love this place and I can't wait to see what happens next.
Right now I have to prepare myself for a chili lunch that I have been invited to with a bunch of good old boys. I'll let you know how it was.
Isn't that snowman cool.
Christmas morning started early with tons of people, presents and joy at the home of Otto and Montine Green. But then, from the time I could walk till I went to college, about 10 am, I had to put down my toys and go with my Dad to the post office where he was Postmaster. There we would load presents and from 10am to about 2 pm on Christmas day, we would hand deliver Christmas packages that had come in late the night before on Christmas Eve. My Dad said he would have hated to have a child without a present that day while it sat at the Post Office. I meanwhile often discussed with my Dad the benefits of mailing packages early!!!
Often, I did not do this in the most joyous of spirits knowing my train was being abused by my two older sisters and my cowboy outfit was probably being worn by my cousin Jim at that very moment. While I was out going door to door with my Dad I didn't appreciate the dozens of smiles gained that day from people that got something they didn't expect....it's only now that I realize what my Dad was doing, one family at a time.
Often our greatest blessings pass us by before we realize how great that blessing could have been! I hope someday my son and daughter have a story or two to tell of helping or blessing people that didn't expect it. I think it is as close to Jesus as we can get! My Dad left us too early, but he still makes a difference today.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family.
PS: The train set still works.
Dave Green, Malden,MO
We (Me, STeph, Tyler and Carson - Baylee wasn't around yet) all went to Gatlinburg with Steph's family...It snowed every day we were there...It goes down as one of our best...
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