The church looked as good as it has ever looked this past weekend. From beautiful trees and bright lights to a bigger than life size snowman. I had so many people comment on how Great things looked. What did you think? I just wanted to say thanks again to all of our volunteers who spent countless hours making our building come alive for Christmas. Thank you.
We not only enjoyed the beautiful building this weekend but we also had a Super Sunday. The attendance was wonderful, fellowship sweet, and the worship was outstanding. I enjoyed sharing about the gift of being included. I did receive a phone call from someone who said that sermon was just for them. They must have felt left out before. I hope everyone knows how much God loves you. Christmas is a time when everyone should feel special but unfortunately not all do. We can make a difference this Christmas by looking for those who may not feel apart of any group and include them in ours. Take someone to lunch, give them a call, write a note I've learned that it doesn't take much to make a big difference.
It is my goal to bring some Joy to someone everyday. Why don't you try that today. Let me know if you succeed. I hope all of you have a wonderful week, and don't forget you better cry and you better not pout because it's way to close to Christmas.
Tell someone about our website today and invite them to this weekends service. It is going to be an incredible day.
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