I thought I would post a picture and let you see what I love to do when I have the chance. This picture is from a few years ago when I got to compete in the United States Team Roping Championships in Franklin, TN. I was roping with Wade Harris, no we didn't win but I still like to look at the picture and think about what if. Do you have any what if moments in your life? I am really seeking the Lord and asking Him to show me what it is He really wants me to do so I don't have to look back and say what if. I have come to understand that God just doesn't want me to sit around waiting on a flashing neon sign He wants me to just do what He has already told me to do. Love the Lord with all my heart and Love my neighbor as myself. I think I'll start today so that tomorrow I don't have to say what if I would have started doing that yesterday who's life would be different today. Join me in doing these 2 things that God has told us to do. Don't worry about the flashing sign from God just do what the written word says. No more what ifs!
Love ya,
(comment to let me know somebodies reading this)
Hey Kevin
I beleive you've got the bull by the horns
I reading...since you are posting old photo's maybe you could reach into the archives and bring out some old basketball pics...???
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