Wednesday, February 7, 2007

More Pictures!!!1

High everybody it's about 11pm on the boat and Johnna has turned in for the night! I think being around all of these people who turn in at dark is rubbing off on her. What do you think about those two in the picture. I better not hear anyone make fun of me or you'll get it! That was taken on Prom night. It was so much fun. We have to dress formal 2 more times before we get home. Just to let you know a little bit of our schedule we get up and eat breakfast about 9am and then get off the boat and start toward town. In the evenings we have our worship services at 6:00 - 7:30 Charles and Dr. Jeremiah have both been wonderful. They are really a lot of fun. He has been preaching on the life of Christ!
Hey boys got your comment, Tanner thanks for the ipod it has been a lifesaver out on the beach!' Let me know who's house all of you are staying at. Tell me about your ballgame Logan. Hey Ethan i haven't heard from you in a while do you still remember dad. Sounds like all of you are just fine love you tell Grandma and Grandpa we said hello and we love them.
gotta go, Love ya!

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