Wednesday, February 7, 2007

How Romantic!

My turn! By the way we were in Puerto Vayarta today and it was BEAUTIFUL!!! But I made a big mistake and didn't wear good walking shoes and now my feet are killing me! Valuable lesson!
Guess what the Arkansans hit first right off the boat today? WAL MART!!!! Yes, even in Mexico there are Wal Marts! Everyday low prices!
Saw several children vendors again today and I was ready with more lifesavers! They are all so beautiful! It is sad they are learning to barter so early in their lives.
We pray for you boys everyday and we can't wait to see you and love on you! Please tell me you are being good and minding your manners, don't break tradition of being better for others and not for your own parents:) Do your best at school too OK?
I am so glad we got all our shopping done today, I was really getting sick of haggling prices with the vendors! Of course, Kevin was in heaven! I bet the vendors of Mexico are glad he is leaving the country!:)
Thanks for all the comments too. We look forward to reading them every day.
Love you all, especially the Murray boys!


Melissa said...

WOW! You guys look good together. The beach looks beautiful and how romantic. Take some pictures of the boat if you get a chance the wed site of the boat had some. I just can't imagine this boat and all the stuff on it. Continue to enjoy. Till nexted time.

Love Melissa

Sherry said...

Lookin GOOOOD!!:) So very glad you are having a good time. Take lotsa pictures, cause you know I will never get Darrell that far away! ha

Love ya

Karen said...

Hey Sea Dogs!!
The pictures are fantastic! (I don't know about those brown shoes Kevin!) Thanks Johnna for getting lots of pics with you and Kev. Scrapbook/photo album will be cool. It looks like you are both having a great time. I am glad the weather is wonderful and no sea sickness. McDonalds and a Wal Mart-now that is almost like home. HA I hope you are enjoying this vacation. Can't wait for you to get home so you can tell us all about the trip-can't wait to hear about David Jeremiah and Charles B. Did you meet other couples?? I hope this trip has been far beyond what you both thought it would be like. Enjoy-only 2 more days.
Love you guys.

Keith & Karen