Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Murray house was full of smiling faces last night as all the boys got to experience winning for a change. First Tanner and the Jr. High Mohawks beat Armorel to give them their 1st win of the season. Tanner came out of the game in the 4th quarter with a knee to the right eye. It left quite a mark, a big black eye that cannot be missed. Then later that same night Logan and Ethan got their first win of the season in the elementary league. I was proud of all the boys they all had great attitudes even while we were on a little losing streak.

Winning may not be everything, but I will admit it is more fun than losing. That's why I don't like losing it's no fun. Most people get really upset when they loose that's why you see more and more people spending more and more money trying to get their kids in the right programs. Sports can really get out of hand if we are not careful. The only advice I have on this subject is the verse of scripture that says "what does it profit a man to gain the world and loose his own soul". If we put all our efforts into the things of this world that's all we are going to end up with.
I want my boys to know that their is a much bigger picture to life than wins and loses in an athletic event. I'm still very competitive, but raising Godly young men is about as successful as anyone can be.

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