Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I can explain.

I'm sorry to all of you faithful followers about not posting yesterday. I had some very important things that took most of my day and night and I was unable to keep my word. Please pray for the Walker family from Piggott, unfortunately their new born son (only 6days old) passed away and the funeral was yesterday. I had the opportunity to minister to this family by saying a few words at the funeral and taking some food over to the house. I want to say thanks to Bill Veal for going with me and ministering to this family. I could have gone alone but one of the things I am trying to learn about leadership is don't do things alone, take someone with you when you do ministry so the load is lighter and the joy is greater.

We have such a great opportunity all around us to make a difference. I find something new everyday that needs to be done for the Lord. God has chosen us to be in Piggott at this time to be his hands and feet. What a privilege! The happiest days of my life are when I am able to extend the love of Christ to those in need. If you want to join in on the blessings let me know that you are ready to go and serve and let's see what we can do. The holiday season is full of these kind of opportunities. Let's make sure we give the gift of God's Love to those all around us.
One of my favorite websites is check it out and see what you think. I would love to hear some of your favorite sites, leave me a comment.

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