Thursday, June 5, 2008

Just want to be a servant

You know I think if i could have God answer only one prayer I would ask Him to make me a servant of His. There is nothing better a person can be than a servant of Jesus Christ. Here are just a few things that a servant is: humble, considerate, kind, obedient, not self-seeking, friendly, loving, caring, faithful to the one they serve, good attitude, I don't know about you but I need all those characteristics in my life. God doesn't need any more bosses but He could sure use a lot more servants.

I encourage all of you to become servants of God and begin serving where He leads you! There's not much time to wallow in sin when you're busy being a servant. To much trouble comes from people having to much time and nothing to do with it. Find time to serve, mow the neighbors yard, bake some cookies, visit the nursing home, but find something to do for others.

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