Monday, March 3, 2008

Exciting Weekend

I just want to tell you that I have been reading several other blogs lately and it is so interesting to see what others are doing. We are so blessed to be able to learn from those who are out on the frontlines of reaching people for Christ. I don't always agree with what I read but they all usually teach me something. I need to learn, I don't have all the answers and that is why I think it is so important for us to do what we can to learn any way we can. I want to give you just a few ways that I try to learn:

1. Friends.......I have some great friends who are Godly men and I try to talk with them as often as I can. I watch their ministry, how they lead, ideas that they have, talk to them about study habits. I would encourage you to find a pastor in your area who you respect and take him to lunch. Develope a friendship and see how that can improve your ministry.

2. Blogs.........that's right I said blogs. I am finding out that there are several people doing an outstanding job of leading churches that I never heard of. Thanks to the links button on some of my friends websites I have been able to visit some pretty cool churches online. I will post some of the ones I'm following real soon.

3. Books.......I wish I could tell you that I love to read but that's not true. What I do love is being my best for the Lord. For me to be my best I need to read. Reading takes discipline, I have to make myself because I am not one to sit still very long. This is probably on of the toughest areas for me but I will say it is also one of the most rewarding. There's just something about when you dig into a book and you find that nuggett of information that makes you wannna dig again.

4. Conferences......I have not been to a lot of Big conferences but I will say that I know there is a need for this in my ministry. Being from a small church in a small town if I'm not careful I can become Lazy in my thinking. One of the things that a conference does for me is open my eyes to other ideas of doing ministry. Don't be discouraged that your church is not like the mega church go home and make a difference that's what it's all about.

5. Mistakes.......that's right, mistakes if you don't fail at something ever once in a while you probably aren't trying very hard. Don't always take the safe route. Learn what works and what don't. What works will always be changing just like the society we live in. (I didn't say change the message.)

I would love to hear from you how you learn, maybe it would help me and others. Send me a comment.

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