Friday, February 9, 2007

Charles sends his love to Karen!

Hey Karen we just left Charles and he is sending you FREE CD's as a peace offering. He was Great! He is just a lot of fun. We couldn't believe it but he remembered Piggott, AR. It's about 10:30 on the boat so we have got to find something to do. It won't be hard we can always go eat and eat and eat!! It's getting a little cooler as we near California. Got to go. Love the Titanic Sea Dogs!

If anyone knows where our children are please tell them that they have a mom and dad and we will be home soon, but if we do not hear from them soon they will get no souvenirs. I would hate to have to sail back to Puerta Valarta and return these gifts. (but i would)
I hope to hear from them soon!

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