Tuesday, March 6, 2007

It' Cowboy Church Time!

Well it's Tuesday and that means a trip to Poplar Bluff to get ready for Cowboy Church. My day started off like it does most every day and that is by driving the school bus and then meeting my dear friend Rudy Busby at Hardees for breakfast. Now before you draw any conclusions I just want you to know that while Rudy is eating his sausage and egg biscuit that always looks delicious I have been drinking water and this morning I had a banana. I am trying to look like him and he is trying to look like me. I think our chances of catching one another are very slim. I love meeting with Rudy every morning it is a high light for me! It reminds me of when I would meet with Bro. Charlie for breakfast. You know we all need friends in our lives that encourage us and make us happy I hope you have some one like that in your life, if you don't show up at Hardees and we will try to make you smile.

Today is Tuesday and that means that it is Cowboy Church night. I will be leaving sometime after lunch to go up to Poplar Bluff and get things read for church. We meet at the RbarH arena every Tuesday night at 7pm. After today I am sure I will appreciate my dad much more because he always goes up early and gets everything cleaned up and set up for church but with mom just getting out of the hospital last night he needs to stay home and care for her so I am left to pick up the slack. Pray for us tonight that we will have a good crowd and maybe have some lost people come to the service and hear the good news. God is doing a mighty work at the Cowboy Church and I am so glad to be a small part of it. I also want to thank all the volunteers from Emmanuel who come and are so faithful THANK YOU!

I also want to say thank you to the men's bible study group for feeding me and my oldest son last night. The men had a cookout and it was Great. Don't forget that every Monday night at the church there is a Men's bible study that takes place. We have several men who are faithful to this bible study. Godly churches are always filled with Godly men. Thanks again fellows for inviting me maybe someday I'll come when you are not eating.

Well I hope all of you have a Great day! I have plenty to do so I better get started, love all of you!


P.S. Thanks for the comments! If you would like to email me the address is kevin@eblovesyou.com

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